Skins | Arthritis Information


On one visit to my rheum, when I was complaining about the pains in my legs, and he had injected cortisone into my knees, which were a little fluidy and painful, he asked if I was slow to recover after exercise before I got PMR.

My reply was yes. He suggested, on no scientific evidence, he said, that I could try wearing Skins.

Skins is a brand name in Australia for these garments. They are worn by some athletes when training, or for recovery,or for travel. They have compression, are comfortable and have actually helped me on the bad days or when i have had to do a lot of walking. Just like a tight. I have the 3/4 length and the long length and even wore them in the heat under cotton pants, although they are a bit warm, but I think that also helps the pain. Available for arms , chest etc and were cheaper through the physio. Sizing must be correct.

I have seen similar products advertised in triathlon magazines. May be good for your holidays. I am wearing mine now after a particularly long day. Bed is lookiing good.

Love to all      zali Haven't heard about them but I say...whatever helps! Thanks for the tip!Thanks for the tip Zali, my grandson wears them for sport so I will give them a try too. Anything that helps if I don't have to get more side effects from!