surgery yesterday | Arthritis Information


Hi All,

I had joint replacement surgery  on my l. thumb yesterday. My thumb had been out of joint for several years, getting worse all the time. Found a doctor who was instrumental in designing the replacement joint at the base of the thumb and he is wonderful.

My right one was done 2 1/2 years ago, but with that one, another doc did the surgery that is used more frequently: He removed the basilar joint completely and made a cushion out of tendon from my wrist for the thumb to rest on so it would move more normally.

The first surgery failed 6 mos. after it was done and my r. thumb is so bad now, the thumb just isn't attached to my hand with bone at all.It doesn't look like he'll be able to help my r. hand at all because of the bone being gone and the OA has eaten up so much of what was left. However he might look into fusion after I'm healed.

Doc said the l. one yesterday, was horrible. Was supposed to take 2 hrs. and ended up taking 4hrs. But he has hope that this will make my hand work better. it will never be like new, but should work better than it was.

You know, I think this is the first time I've ever started a topic!

I may not be on for a few days, as it is very hard for me to type this. Need a bit more healing, first. Have a bandage/Cast on for now, and I'm really getting tired. My pain spec. gave me extra meds for post op period.

Hope everyone is doing okay! Hugs to all,


Nini...glad your surgery went well....hope your have a speedy recovery....feel better soon!!


Glad that the surgery went very well!  You rest up and we will see you when you feel better!!  Have a speedy low pain recovery!!!  Good Luck with a quick and gentle recovery Nini.  Take it easy Hope that you get some improvement after your surgery and that you feel better soon.

Best wishes,


Here is wishing you a speedy recovery!


I'm sorry that your earlier surgery didn't do well for you - and I'm hoping this one is much, much better. We need our hands, we need our feet! You were a guinea pig for all of us, so that you for that.

Feel better soon.

Thank you all for your good wishes. It really does help!

I'm doing pretty well, so far. Pain in my hand is not as bad as I thought it would be, but my pain spec. increased my methadone and morphine and added dilaudid, for post-op week or so. I thought, since there was so much they had to do in there, that it would be like my spinal fusion was, pain-wise. But,so far nothing has been even close to the fusion surgery pain.

Thanks, again for thinking of me.

Hugs and blessings.


Glad to hear you are doing well, that is such a trauma , but I hope your hand will be much better, after. Sarahwishing you a speedy recovery. Glad you are doing well!!!  We would have missed you and your blessings and gentle hugs if you were gone for too long!  I love how you end all of your postings with that!

Sarah, Lovie & Gramma, Thanks to you all for thinking about me. It's so nice to know I have friends that understand.

And, Gramma, I'm glad you like the way I  end my messages. I mean it every time! I was hoping no one thought it was too goofy

Love and hugs to all,


Nini- I hope you heal quickly LOL.  Thanks for the well wishes on Danielle.  Don't feel funny calling me Gramma because I am a Gramma!!!  Old is just a state of mind.  You are a youngin'!!!