To walk or not to walk? | Arthritis Information


If I walk the joints in my feet swell and remain like that for about 5 days. Can this damage my joints? Does that mean I should not be going for walks yet? My RA and vasculitis are not under control yet (well, I guess that's obvious!).


Laker, I'm not sure I have the answer, but I am wondering how much walking you are talking about.  Can you start with doing less?

Any time you have inflammation there could be disease process going on.  Not always.  But there could be.  The inflammation is usually what causes all the damage to our joints.  Take it easy on your walks.  A little at a time and when you get home get those feet up!  Are you able to take like Naproxen or an NSAID to help with the inflammation at all?



What a great question.  I wish I knew the answer.  Me, I generally go full speed ahead and pay later.  (As evidence in my previous post).  I'm wondering if doing a little less would be beneficial.  I generally just  base my activity on how I feel.  However, I have been known to just laz around.  So, I give myself that little extra push.  I do know that I feel better when I'm more active. 


I do the same thing. Earlier this week, I ran 1/4 mile for the first time in months. Of course, I'm in a flare now. Did the running trigger it? I don't know. But when I feel good, I try to live for all of those times I don't feel good.

I used to walk 3 miles before I started having all this trouble. I walked a mile yesterday. I have pain in my wrist, elbow, and shoulder from holding the dog's leash too and she does not tug on the leash at all. It's crazy.  Today I am totally exhausted. I have only walked a few times in the last year because of the fatigue.

I did start naproxen on Monday and I can tell it is (well, was) reducing the joint pain in the am. Interestingly, my muscles and nerves are calming down as well so the twitching and parathesia must all be related to inflammation.


Laker - I am told and believe - if there is inflammation - using that joint or area can only cause more damage.   I know it is hard but take it easy when you have swelling.  You do not want more damage.

Lovie - Just hush.  Yes I am learning. 

