Totally OT | Arthritis Information


Usually on Sunday morning I look forward to reading my Sunday paper, however this morning I opened the paper to a page with huge headlines "Medicare Covers Erectile Dysfunction Correction at little or no cost to you".  They even have customer testimonials on the same page.  Now I am on Medicare and I can only have a mammogram once a year.  If my mammogram is done on the 364th day, Medicare will not pay for it. 
Now, my question to all of you is:  Is this fair?  Does this make sense?  Who cares if John Doe can not get an erection. Maybe Mrs Doe..LOL This company also sells diabetic and arthritic products, so perhaps if you have one of these diseases you can qualify for reimbursment from Medicare for this dysfunction?  HUH?
What do you think of this?  

If erectile dysfunction is a complication of a covered disease then Medicare will pay for it.  You can thank your political representatives and the white-haired males that generate policies for Medicare. 

I personally think it's ridiculus and almost comical.  I saw the newpaper ad and was furious.

