
I posted this message on the RA board at the weekend, and had a good response.  See what you think.  Same principles apply for PMR.

On Saturday, I was invited to attend a seminar at our local hospital's Rheumatology Unit.  Speakers were a leading Rheumatologist, the Rheumatology Head Nurse,  2 nutritionists (that's where last night's Healthy Eating post came from) and our local rep from Arthritis NZ.  It was great to have the opportunity to attend.  (And we got to do some stretches every 20 minutes or so - so they practice what they preach!  One of the really good things I got from this seminar was a handout entitled Principles of Energy Conservation.  The Four "Ps").

There are two pages to this handout, short notes are bullet pointed under each "P" -  and as it was not a great photocopy, I typed it out in a Word Doc. and put it up on my fridge as a reminder to myself to BEHAVE!!

Some friends and family came to visit today and saw it - although they are very good about my RA, and considerate and helpful etc - I really feel that this made them think a little more.  It was not something I had to shove in their faces, or try and explain, it was just there!

OK - so it occured to me that some of you may be interested in a copy for your fridge, garden shed, workplace or wherever.   If you are, just PM me with your email address and I will send you a copy.

It's not rocket science, but I think a validation of what we already know.
