newbie | Arthritis Information


Hi all i am a newbie i am from sunshine coast queensland i am 68yrs young until 12 days ago when i had the most terrible week of my life after xrays blood test and scans which came back not good i have RA all over ankles knees hands all joints i was and still am a very energetic person i tap dance line dance and sing but after the pain i went through ever experienced it before had pain but used tramil to ase it but this pain was like nothing on earth i had cervical cancer 14yes ago and had extensive treatment in peter mc callum in melbourne but i was one of theluckly ones i survived si i thank god for every day i am on earth i live with my husband daniel of 51yrs married 8 grandsons 1 daughter and 2 sons the baby son is 42yrs old lol i love people have a very positive outlook on life love to laugh and try and not give into the pain but it got me the last 12 days i cried and screamed but luckily my GP who is marvelous saw me the next morning at am got straight on to the ruemy and done all the test that day i was put on prensidone i had to take 10 that day now i am on 6.5 tablets daily for 7 days then 6 and so on until i am on only half a tablet which will be july before i finish i have had no side efects at all except hunger i am hoping to make some friends and email companions here as i love my computer work which i also teach to older seniors in retirement vilages so i lead a very active life i cannot do my tap dancing as the thunping brings on the pain but i can do my line dancing which i went bck to today and no pain so all my fellow suffers please i hope your pain eases for you take care


Hello to you: This is my first try at this, I read your introduction this morning, just yesterday fianlly diagnosed with RA. 

I am music teacher here in California, fell at school while teaching styed in the WORKMAN"S COMP nightmare, saw all kinds of doctors who just prescribed pain pills, sent me elsewhere all kind of tests, misdiagnosed twice, I fianlly went to LA to a FM specialist who put me on all kinds of supplements, hormones.  I finally got into a rheumatologist yesterday who said I had RA.  This, in addition to FM. (the other way around?)

Some of you poor people have really suffered.  I was jogging five mles a  day until knoee surgery...days like yesterday seems like I have absolutely just enough energy and courage to face the next hour...

I have alswyas been described as energetic, almost HYPERactive, and now this seems like a death sentence.

Wondering if you know about HUMIRA, REMICADE, adition to mexothrate and predisone, this is what the Rheumatologist recommends...sounds like some serious side effects go with it.

Can some of you help me?  This is all brand new to me.  I would rather go with natural healing, but it sounds like this RA might be too progressed.

I am 54, have had this apin for about 6 months, it was missed by many doctors.



Hi Annie,

Reread your message, I think we have a lot in common, I, too have grandchildren: 2.  I am divorced, and have raised my kids almost alone.  My kids and grandkids are so precious to me, I try and see the grandchildren once a month (they live 200 miles away.)  I live for the day I can quit teaching and move to be near them.

Feel very much alone without my family around, all grown, married and GONE (and happy): I am thankful for them and  that they are great, adjusted, productive, giving human beings, and for every day of breath.  But it's lonely by oneself, especially when in pain with no one around to help.

Went out this morning and dumped the wheelbarrow full of manure(from the horse!) I was  thankful to be able to even do THAT, as I am selling the horse plus my home, can't take care of it any more (has two acres and a pool) in the country. The market is slow, but I am taking it one day at a time.

In two years I can retire and get full benefits from my teaching benefits,for the rest of my I am trying to hang in there. Some days at recess or lunchtme, I close the door, lie on the classroom floor on my "dogbed"  pillow I bought..and cry. The kids  at school have no idea other than there's some days I sit in the chair a lot more, and tell them I'm not feellng too well, etc. 

IMy rheumatologist is proposing some strong med.s...took prednisone yesterday, got a shot, etc.  wonder abot what you are going to do treatment-wise...

