lung problems with mtx | Arthritis Information


Hi All..anyone on mtx that has experienced swollen lymph glands and lung lesions/nodules?

I've been on MTX for three years and this is the first upper respetory (how ever you spell it) I've had in that time. I don't think it's at all related.

But I have heard of rare cases of serious lung complications. If your having any sort of problem like this I'd play close attention and do your research.

MTX has been a wonder drug for me, but a nightmare for some.


Welcome Zoey. Hope you'll stick around.


Your board is wonderful. I'm writing for my sister who has had a recent problem with nodules, dry cough lasting for weeks, fatigue and swollen lymph glands. She recently had a biopsy because the doctor thought lung cancer possibly. I'm surprised from my reading that there wasn't any concern that the mtx could be at fault and she's still taking it. If anyone has had similar issues, I would appreciate your feedback.


I'm not sure that's a good idea. My doctor has taken me off of MTX and Humira because I've had a cough and cold type symptoms for a couple weeks. I'm taking an antibiotic to clear it up but they don't want me taking the medications because they compromise your immune system.

Correct me if I'm wrong here guys....but your sister should be very aware.

Tell her once she's feeling better to please join us...this is a great group. (We're happy to have you too Zoey)

I can't tell you how excited I was to find this site. I have forwarded it to my sister as I'm sure she'll find it very informative. Again, thanks for any input.

Welcome. I had to stop taking MTX forever because I developed shortness of breath. MTX can cause serious lung complications that if the drug is not stopped, can become permanent. I had a whole set of pulmonary function tests and luckily I don't have any permanent lung problems. I took MTX, with good results, for many years before that happened.

P.S. Your command of English is excellent.


Hi Zoey and WELCOME!
I am so glad to hear your compassion for your sisters health.  I bet you are a great source of support for her...
I have nodules on my lungs, kidneys and liver.  At first my doctors where worried that it was a metastases from my Breast Cancer but as I kept having my cat scans done, while going through and right after my cancer treatments, they realized that the nodules where not changing and staying the same size, which they took as not being a metastases from the BC or lung cancer.  They never could figure out why they where there, untill I had a DX of RA, then it sorta filled in the reason for the nodules.  RA can show up in your organs, especially the lungs. 
I have been on MTX for almost 2 years and I have been fortunate not to have any serious side effects with it or an increase of any more nodules.  I have heard that MTX can cause breathing, coughing and general fatigue but if her blood work is comming back as being normal ( Liver Panels ) and the biopsy shows no cancer, they may want to keep her on it, while keeping a good eye on her, especially if the MTX is showing to be helping her.  I hope you keep us informed as to how your sister is doing.
Tell your sister, when she felels up to it, to stop by and see us.  We all would love to meet her.  And by all means, come back and chat with us too.
