Thank you all so much! | Arthritis Information


Thank you all so much for your encouraging and supporting words. I don't know why my post didn't allow replies - how weird, but I'm still a novice on the computer.

I will really try to find before and after pictures - that would be fun to show you! Thanks for suggesting it.

My weight loss was pretty simple. It started when I had a bad stress fracture of the pelvis - it just couldn't handle the weight. There's the motivation.

Then I figured that if an active 140 pound adult needs maybe 2000 calories a day, then an inactive one maybe needs 140 x 10 calories a day = 1400 calories. So I just ate that or fewer thinking I'd get there sooner or later. Then I got my diabetes dx and just modified that for 19 carbs a day and didn't change much.

Everyone thinks you have to exercise it off, and I do exercise, but you still have to watch your calories.


Looking forward to seeing the before and after pics, Kathy!

Opps! I meant 10 carbs a day!

