I’m soooo sleeeepy... | Arthritis Information


I am so tired when I wake up in the morning but have no choice but to get up as my 2yr old needs me. Then around 2pm I start to shut down again, being barely able to keep my eyes open. Same thing around 7pm.

I put my son down around 8-8:30pm and then I get my 2nd wind and can't fall off to sleep until midnight or later. Help!!!

Is this from the RA, Prednisone, or what?

That might help!



I agree Phats.  Blessed, good move would be to change that cycle - take it in the morning after breakfast. I take my preds in the morning(my morning begins a 4 am, go back to asleep again about 6,). so I can understand this. When you have a baby to care for you can't just sleep when you feel like it! My gosh this prednisone does do weird things to us, or is it the RA? Good question. I've been feeling very tired lately...it wares on you. Our schedules of awake/sleep depend on so many things, for sure, related to this 'stuff' and the meds. Who knows, Sarah

Hi LisaBless, I slept for Britain when I was first dx'd and I didn't even have a 2 year old to attend to so I'm not surprised that you're so tired. Do make sure to tell your doc/rheummy though.

I hate to pile more onto your plate but have you had your thyroid checked? I was dx'd underactive just before I got my RA dx in 2005 then suddenly 6 weeks ago I'd feel really sleepy during the day and even managed to sleep a weekend away - my thyroxine needed upping.

I'm not a regular predisone user so I really can't testify to any of that; but I've had RA for many years and I know the fatigue you speak of certainly just goes with the disease itself.

I would advise you try not to fight it. If you are a stay at home Mom committe to getting your baby on a nap schedule that suits you and take a nap at the same time! Don't be afraid to rest when you can....you will feel so much better in the end. If you aren't a stay at home Mom that advise doesn't help at all. I just remember in my early years and when my daughter was small I used this method and although it didn't get rid of the fatigue altogether;  it did help me manage my days better.

Hang in there.

I was told that my fatigue was part of having RA! I am the same once the kids have gone off to school, i do my cleaning etc, then by about 1 i have fallen asleep on sofa and woken when the kids have walked through the door from school.

I back wakes me about 5 every morning, but i try and sleep through it until 7.

My youngest is at nursery, and h is home on an afternoon, and if i feel like i am going to fall asleep, i make sure all doors/windows are locked and we put a video on, he watches and i sleep.

I dont do it every day tho, mostly i try and work through the tiredness Yes, early in the morning, with food, and with a gastric pump inhibitor like
nexium although the nexium needs to be taken on an empty stomach about
an hour before a meal.
Thanks Guys and Gals,

I will start taking it in the morning. I do have my little one on a nap schedule...but that's when I try to get things accomplished that I can't do while he's up. I try to get a lot done on the weekends while my husband is home, but it's impossible to do everything then...

Lorster...what' the gastric pump inhibitor do for?

I am extremely tired lately too. For me it is just part of the diesase, extreme fatigue comes and goes.
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