Housework- I want to clean | Arthritis Information


Pin Cushion , Take your time and go slow. What dosent get done wont matter to your friends. I know it's hard to think this way when yor having company but you dont want to go into a flare over any stress.
Have a great time visiting.
Lisa, as long as your guests can comfortably park their bums and their bed is ready for when they want to retire that's what I call a good hostess. Don't worry about the dust from the new shower and the doggie paws on the kitchen floor, these are what I call 'clean dirt' so don't fret. Put a coffee bean on the stove and squirt a bit of funiture polish in the hall

Just tell them "Pardon our progress". That is what the state of Alabama puts on signs when they got the roads all messed up from redoing them or even adding a new road. LOL

Glad something got done. I am still sitting here thinking keyword thinking, of what all I need to get done, but man... I hurt and cannot move well. Maybe another day. Besides... I am still on strike LMAO. Well, it seems like my body is anyways.
