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Window Licker.

That is what I was yesterday. I took a LorTab 7.5 the night before about 11pm and it worked, I think

I fell asleep around midnight and had to wake up for an appt at 8:45am. I was going to take a shower before I left, but I did not want to wake up, and I did not get up until MIL was in the driveway and knocking on the door. I had a headache that was behind my eyes, and at the base of my head where my neck is and my neck was hurting and my jaw was hurting from where I guess I clinched my teeth while I was sleeping.

I could not keep my eyes open and I came home after 3 hours of being gone and I went and took a nap and so did son, because he got woke up early, and we slept until 3:14pm. I woke up long enough to run to town with hubby and to eat dinner and was back in bed at 6:00pm. I slept until 3:30am and then I woke up again at 6:46am to see daughter off to the bus and back to sleep I went until son got up at 8am and then he was whiney and he went back to sleep until noon and I have been laying here hurting, swelled, stiff and with pain. It is suppose to rain today, but it is just messing with my body.

Yesterday, I really could have been a window licker, because I was so tired and leaned up against the window in the car.

LOL at the "Window Licker"

So sorry you're feeling so awful!!! Hopefully you'll feel better soon!
They make me wired, because all of a sudden I don't have any pain and I think "yay, I can get things done!!"

Which I of course end up paying for later. I'm so many spoons in debt to myself it's not even funny. I'm hoping to catch up next week, when this wedding and DH's travelling is OVER. LOL

Sorry you are so miserable sweetie!!! *hugs*        

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