How many people have this also? | Arthritis Information


Just wonder who has been diagnosed (only those who have been diagnosed by the doctor) have allergies and/or food intolerances /or chemical sensitivity?

I have many allergies.  They have gotten so much worse since RA.  As a person who loves dogs, I cannot even go into a room with one anymore.  I immediately start wheezing, then my lips start burning and turn red all the way round like a clown mouth.  If any dander touches my skin, I get red welts all over.

To me this is heartbreaking.  I miss having a dog so much.  2 years ago I decided to adopt a bichon frise from our local animal shelter.  These dogs are known for their hypo allerginic qualities.  I had him 24 hours and ended up in the hospital w/anaphalactic shock, almost died.

I take numerous drugs for my allergies, most of them are under control except for the one I most want to control.  So I have to live vicariously by reading about everyone elses puppies.

BTW, this did not happen suddenly, I had dog allergies get progressiviely worse.  I had my last dog in 1992, then tried to adopt in 2005.  I do know that in the last 4 years it has become really bad.



crispy39199.4558217593no allergies, no food or chemical  sensitivitiesI have outdoor and some indoor allergies.  No food or chemical though.  Although my daughter, she does have chemical allergies (i still have to wash her clothes in baby detergent), and indoor and outdoor alleries and she had to have soy formula for the first year and soy milk till she was 1.5 but she hasnt shown any symptoms of any autoimmune diseases cept asthma. 

I have many allergies too.  Dust, molds, tree, grass, cockroach, feathers, corn pollens, soy, dog, cat, etc etc.

I've been getting allergy shots for the past three years.  I think they help.

I have a food allergy to any kind of nuts.  I also am allergic to sulfa drugs. 

I am allergic to dust, grasses, molds, pollen, cats, etc.  This year (the first since RA diagnosis) has been much worse.

My son is allergic to penicillin and sulfa drugs and has hay fever.


I also seem to be extremely allergic to sugar alcohols.

pjachy39199.5121990741Hmmm, don't know that this is what you're talking about, but I am allergic (diagnosed) to hay, IVP dye (the stuff they inject for kidney x-rays), and codeine (i think - I usually just say lortab and they know what I'm talking about, since that's the one I had the reaction to). All of the above make me look like I have chicken pox.Lots of allergies. Sulfa drugs.Had an allergic reaction to an epidural when in labor with daughter. Grass, flowers, cats, dust, pollen, birds, hay, and probably other stuff that I can't remember right now.I had an allergy test at the doctors, where they put little drops of different stuff on my arm, if any of the spots where they put the drops became swollen that was what i was allergic to.THEY WERE ALL SWOLLENI have just recently, in the last 3-4 months or so, developed a hay fevery allergy (not foods)  to wheat. (I thought probably from using an old dusty wheat bag, and then making a whole lot of new ones). What are the wheat bags for?  To heat up and use on achy RA parts?  If tha tis the case...what about trying rice bags for that?Thanks Gmama, I do use my bags on my achy bits - marvellous comfort, and especially with our winter coming on for my poor old "cankles" !   Mold and Morphine allergy, lol. Thank you hun!  Why is rice so dang expensive there?  Wheat and corn are a little more expnesive here than by you lol.  I have too many allergies to mention. A lot of our household items contain formaldehyde, such as carpeting and paneling.  I know a couple that purchased a pre-built home and they ended up in the hospital with an undiagnosed illness and almost died and it was the formaldehyde in the building materials that caused it.
I also feel that the air is contaminated with all sort of things that are bad for us.  And if all of this stuff is in the air, some of it falls to the ground and gets into our fruit and veggie and also milk.  So many people are allergic to wheat now and since the cat food scare, it has been confirmed that a lot of our wheat comes from China and who knows if they use insecticides or whatever.  It is just a vicious cycle and we have no control over it and that is sad.  Seems like RA is enough to contend with without all of these additional problems.

I too purchased a new trailer when i was diagnosed.  Within 24hrs of moving in, my nose stopped running for exactly 8 months.  Then the body decided to join it.

I hope to get allergy tested again this week, my legs don't like me to walk to the bathroom let alone the dr.

Allergy-Wise, I have the oddest (but GOOD) experience since my short trip with this little RA monster (DX just a month ago but struggling with it for basically a year now....

 I USUALLY suffer from horrendous spring allergies, but am not even having a single solitary sniffle or sneeze this spring (and I have spent plenty of time outdoors - more than usual even - with the time I have off from work right now.... Odd, huh? Not that I am complaining, of course....


