Insurance stats | Arthritis Information


We all have our insurance companies to deal with and also wish we had guarenteed health care in the United States.  Here are some recent stats from Danny's new union magazine.

A majority of Americans would take an increase in taxes and forgo future tax cuts in order for the governemnt to guarentee health insurance to every American...especially children.  Nearly 47 million people or 15% of the population now go without health insurance.  This has increased 6.8 million since the year 2000. 

According to a poll done by the New York Times/CBS News, access to affordable health care remains at the top of the public's domestic agenda.  It out ranked more important by a wide majority than immigration,  cutting taxes, or promoting traditional values. 

We need to figure out something to crash these monopolies of insurance compaines. 

Many people are taking less pay just to get health insurance.

his whole health insurance thing is going to put us all in the poor house. Nobody is really listening enough to do something about it.

We'll hear all about what every politicians going to do and then as soon as they get elected it is forgotten.
Dont get me started.
