My Mercola appointment | Arthritis Information


I have started Dr. Mercoa's program and I am going to commit to it for 60 days. For those of you who hate alternative you may want to stop reading because it is a little woo woo - out there.

My initial consultation was a blood draw and then a long consult with a physician who went over the results of a Metabolic test that I had filled out. I am a carb type. He explained the program to me and wanted to make sure I am committed.

Mercola still does AP treatment but is having better luck with Metablolic Testing. If the program has no effect on me..they will start me on IV antibiotics.

This week I met with the nutritionist for 90 minutes. I was so thrilled because she was so educated about RA and inflammation issues. The main change in my diet is no grains, no red meat. Also they use the acronym  no CATS (caffiene, alcohol trans fats or sugar).

I see a counselor this week and I go back to the nutritionist to get the results of my blood work. I am taking digestive enzymes and krill oil and a probiotic.

I will keep you posted on my jouney and my health. I am motivated to give this a college try to see if the link between the gut and RA could possibly be my problem. I would love to get off some of my drug cocktail.

Also, my insurace pays for all but the .00 co-pay.

Wish me luck!



Yes Gina, certainly!  I wish you all the very best in your new journey, and hope that it will be really successful for you. Very neat!!  I really hopes this works for you!!  There has been a connection between leaky gut syndrome and ra.  So maybe treating your gut is the answer for you.  That would be great if it was!!!  RA affects us all so differently and why not try something someone thinks may work for them???  I have tried all sorts of stuff...remember...these drugs weren't around when I first got diagnosed and my doc that diagnosed was traditional with homeopathy.  Good Luck Gena!  It'll be interesting to see how you make out with this.That sounds really interesting. What can you eat. I am not being
sarcastic--I really am interested. The CATS and no red meat knock out a

Let us know how it goes..



I'm interested too!  Tell us more.  What do you eat on a typical day?  What meds are you on now?  What are you taking in connection with this program?



My current meds are Planquenil (400 mg) daily , Imuran (75mg) daily, and Enbril weekly. Unfortunately I had to go back on Prednisone for my last flare and I am weaning off of it.

I was told I am a carb type metabolic type. My diet should consist of 60% carbs 30 protein and 10 fat. Today I had oatmeal for breakfast and I stirred in one egg white for protein and topped it off with some berries. It is very satisfying. I had huge salads the last couple of days for lunch. I had lettuc, carrot, cucumber, tomato, red cabbage and chicken with a homemade dressing. I am not supposed to eat dark meats so I have been having white fish (halibut, turbot, etc). chicken turkey or cornish hens for dinner with veggies and another salad. I found a cracker that is wheat and gluten free called Mary's.

The program is big into raw dairy. So I have snacked on a few pieces of raw cheese with crackers and a little fruit. I am going to start ordering my eggs and some raw cheeses from an organic farmer that has drop off points in the Chicago area each week.

so far I am not hungry and satiated without any cravings.

Let's see how my inflammation goes! I will let you know

Protein types tend to be hungry when they first wake up. there an organic co-op in your area??

Yes Gramma..there are many CSA organic farmers to chooose from. I opted out because you don't know what is coming from week to week. I order through Oakville Organics.

I place my order at night and it is ready to be picked up tomorrow before 3pm. In the summer they are 70% local. Because the produce is handpicked and so much fresher you can not believe the quality. I snack on grape tomatoes because they are like candy. The pears I picked up on Friday were so unbelievable this weekend. I may pay a little more but we are not eating out at all and not doing carryout.



Please do keep us informed!  I'm excited to hear about your results.  I was on a RAW diet for about 2 1/2 weeks.  I felt AMAZING!  The only reason I'm off it, I couldn't afford it.  My grocery bill tripled.  I just couldn't do it.  However, I felt so good, it was just amazing.  I'm currently trying to incorporate 1/2 RAW and 1/2 vegetarian and see how I feel.

Keep us posted


Hi Gena - I receive Dr Mercola's email newsletter.    Was the metabolic testing done through a blood test or was that arrived at because of the questions they asked?   I expect somewhere on the web is info on metabolic testing.   Did they give you numbers of people with RA treated with this method and results.
Dr Mercola has a good website for anyone interested, or did a few years back and I also will be interested in hearing your progress.
Good luck,Good luck Gena and please do let us know.


Wow!  I'd seen posts that he doesn't do AP anymore - but you said IV's - wow - that's the big guns!  I so wish my doc would do them but he's not interested in that.  (Think I need a new doc).

How did he figure out your metabolic type?  Do you know if there's a book or do you have to buy the tapes?

I like his email newsletter - lots of links to interesting research.


So is this program to heal a leaky gut? And then can you add the foods into
your diet again? If they allow dairy, I can do that. It is really hard to get any
raw dairy where I live. I will be following your journey.   I'm so glad your
insurance pays for this.