water on the knee | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, ive gotten my knees drained and cortisoned before a couple of times in the apst.. but once again my right knee has water on it and has been making clicking sounds a lot during the last 5 months or so..., due to increased activity (walking and tripping and falling and whatnot)... and me trying to lose some weight

will it reabsorb because the knee is getting tight? I dont want them putting a needle in there if it will accelerate the degeneration of that joint.

Oh dear, your knee sounds painful. I'm so sorry this is hppening to you! Good luck with the treatment, you are soooo brave, Sarah

Argh.  I loves yas so I am gonna be straight up with you knowing that is the way you like it anyways.  The clicking sound your knee is making could possibly be from torn medial meniscus.  Fluid on it...draining it, cortisone injections, the tightening (loss of ROM), and now finally the clicking noise makes that just a possibility.  I went thru the same thing with my left knee several times.  You are also exercising now and that could have excerbated it and the cartilege tore.  Every single time I tore my cartilege I clicked.  Get into your ortho please hun and request an MRI on the knee just to be sure that it isn't torn. 

I know you didn't want to hear this, but I want ya to be aware of any possibilities. 

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