What do you do for the pain?????? | Arthritis Information


What is everyone doing for your pain???? I have been on humira 3 for wks now and I feel no different than when I was on Enbrel. I take vicoden for pain every 6-8 hours and it seems to be wearing off around 5 hours. Im taking 5 mgs of prednisone and Daypro 2 times a day Im sick of taking this medicine!!!! Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and my right arm was numb and tingling and stiff and painful. Kinda reminded me like when I had the carpal tunnel. I had that surgery and it seems like it didnt do any good either. What is pain management???? Where do you go for that???? And what do they do???? Does accupuncture work?? My pain is out of control not in control. I wake up in the middle of the night almost every night in pain!!!! Does anyone else go through this???????  


I wish I could help you! I don't have anywhere near that level of pain,
although I do get localised pain that sometimes wakes me up. I don't know if
this is useful to you but what helps my pain the most is exercise. If I'm
flaring I go to WaterWorks, whcih is a gentle warm water aerobics program
for arthritics which we have here (the Arthritis Centre teaches it to local
pools so the program is all over the city. Some of it is in cold pools though,
as not every aquatic centre has a warm pool). I find it really helps for pain.
ould you do something like that?Yes I can do the swimming thing but I work fulltime and I really dont have much time. I really dont know how long I can deal with this and working too. I have to drive 45 min a day to work and although I work on the computer all day it is still hard to concentrate when I feel so bad.  Totally exhausted  driving home each night. I have thought about disability but dont know how that works and if I would be qualified or not.  I have pain like that.  Can't say any one thing is the answer.  I upgraded from vicodin to oxycontin. Whatever pain pill you take, you need to take it regularly, it works much better once it builds up continuous amount in your system than trying to squish the pain after it hurts really bad.

I used pain patches, you can get prescription ones called lidoderm or even the otc ones like icy hot help.

Alternating heat and ice.  Splints and ace wraps.  Compression socks and gloves.

I have been doing acupuncture for about 5 weeks now, along with massage therapy and sts therapy-it sends electric impulses into your muscles to try and rest the sympathetic nervous system.  I have also been having a physical therapist who works out many muscle con strictures.  I am also getting iv infusion of vitamins and minerals.

I am not pain free by any stretch of the imagination but I am starting to see improvement after almost two years of trying to figure it out.
Oh great!!!!! Does it sound like I have severe RA?!!!! My doctor says I have moderate????? What's the darn difference????? It all hurts!!  Im so glad Im not the only one who has that kind of pain. I do try to take the medication as directed by my doctor but sometimes I have to take it sooner. And sometimes I can wait and take it later that prescribed 

I have terrible pain and take 7.5 Norco Hydrocodone.  I am allergic to Morphine so cannot use the patches.  My pain meds only cut the edge so I have a TENS machine and a Sonic Sound Machine along with heating pads/rice bags. 

I also sometimes eat ice cream while waiting for that last hour to pass to take a pain pill.  I buy the little cups as I cannot dish out ice cream and tell the grocery clerks that they are my secondary pain meds.  I eat them real slowly and it does take my mind off the pain some.

Could you increase the prednisone? Get some of those 1 mgs, and add a little at a time? We have to 'get off of it' but not with stiffness and swelling, etc.  Sarah

(((mom))), I'm so sorry you're having such a difficult time.  I'm on Vicodin ES every 6 hours, and have been for quite a few months now.  I usually have 1 really good hour out of the 6, so I plan around that.  Since I work FT also, I wake up at 4:30 to take my first pill, go back to sleep until 6:00, so I feel relatively good when I need to get up and get ready (the hardest part of my day).

And Bonny's right...food definitely helps the pain (but not the weight)...and I never thought of getting those little cups...great idea!

I tried acupuncture and it didn't help me...but I know it's helped many people, so give it a try if you can.

Has your dr given you anything for sleep?  Maybe that would help bridge over the pain.  Even a muscle relaxant might work.  And if you start getting tingling on a regular basis, let your dr know in case you're getting nerve pain (Lyrica works wonders on that).

The only other thing I can suggest is distraction or meditation.  I'm not so good with meditation, so I distract myself with a really interesting book, or a video game if my arm's not too bad.  If you don't have too much concentration, there's a great book called Kitchen Table Wisdom by Rachel Naomi Remen.  She is a doctor who also has chronic illness (Crohn's) and she writes inspiring stories about her life and her patients that are good to meditate on.  It's only a couple of pages per story, so you don't have to remember the plot!

I know how difficult it is to lose sleep from the pain and then have to work in the morning.  Disability seems to be a long and painful process from what I read, so I try to take it just one day at a time, and rest up on the weekends.

Are you going to see your dr again soon?  If not, maybe you should call...

InnerGlow39202.5028819444momofthree, give acupunture a try. It cannot hurt. Also, try a hot bath, or
jucuzzi. Heating pads are good. Please keep track of the amount of tylenol
you are taking as vicodin has tylenol in it. You should not take more than
4000 mg a day. And to me, that is excessive. Try every alternative source
you can, some even say meditation and yoga helps. Keep me posted.Best tip I can offer for pain meds...take them on a schedule and have another dosage for the "break through" pain. When I am in a bad patch and the vicodin is not as effective I begin 10mg Oxycontin BID. I then use 1/4, 1/2 or a even a whole vicodin every 4-6hrs. BUT, my doc and I switched to an Rx for 10mg/650mg vicodin (hydrocodone) that way by breaking them in half I the same 5mg of vicodin but 1/3 less acetaminophen (Tylenol) to help with potential liver issues. I do take Milk Thistle daily to do whatever I can to support my liver given all the strange meds we with RA take. It is also called Silymarin as that is the active ingredient, supposedly.

Also a bit of caffeine can improve absorption of the pain meds. So, this is a good time for a doctor approved bit of dark choklit... :) Or a glass/cup of tea. That is unless ya likes yer coffee. :D

I keep a bag-o-tricks beside my bed also. It has a gel/cream stuff called Blue-Relief, a bottle of emu oil and some Canookian 222's for those days/nights when I need something to either block the pain until the meds work or in the case of the 222's when I need a tiny boost from my baseline dose of vicodin. But may folks cannot tolerate codeine so the 222's are out, even if you have a buddy in Canookia as I do. ;)

I really get great help from the pain, though it is very short term, from the Blue-Relief stuff. I find it works better then Blue Emu. Yet the Emu Oil alone also is amazing! In any case none of them work more then about 30-mins.

Of course I have mentioned that Ginger Ale really helps me with pain from inflamation. I use either Vernor's Diet or my homemade. It really does help me, even more then the pain meds when the pain is due to imflamation.

momofthree, I have been under the care of a pain management specialist for 5 years. She is also my neurologist. I see her every 2 months, more if necessary.

She prescribes all of my pain medicine, also sleeping med and anti-depressant. Most people in a lot of pain will benefit from a good pain specialist. I do not go to a clinic. My specialist is in practice alone, and I prefer it that way.

She will do whatever is necesary to control my pain. It doesn't go away completely, but it is "manageable"

Hope you fnd what you are looking for!

Feel better,


Pain is so tricky. The hardest part is that it is so subjective. That whole
rating scale is a joke. One person's 8 is another person's 3. My RD says
that they also look at blood pressure pretty carefully as an indicator.

I recieve ultrasound treatments for chest wall pain and I have Lortab for
when things get bad. I was also recently prescribes a TENS unit which has
been great. The only downside is that people with pain should obviously
not live alone. One of the areas it is supposed to be used is my neck and
back. Hello---people with swollen shoulders and sternums can reach
behind to attach the electrodes! Love my little boy but since he can
barely velcro his shoes correctly-he is not much help. So, the therapist
helps me at the end of the PT session so I will have 3 good evenings a
week for the back and will focus on the shoulder and chest the rest of the

A pain management dr. can work wonders. They don't just use medicine-
they will come up with a plan that works best for you. Don't hesistate to
try to get in since they often have waiting lists. That never seemed right
to me....HELP, I am in pain. Can you fit me in within the next 3 months?

OH well,

becky I am on 60mg of morphine 2x daily...75mg of lyrica 3x daily...and have percocets for breakthru pain.  yeah, I'm in a little pain lol.  I also take hot baths, rest, do some very easy mild stretches, meditate, have a rice bag I warm up, and massages. 

I have severe RA but I don't seem to have pain at the same level as some of you do.  I don't know why.  I have the damage  to my joints, including my chest and back.  I've walked around with bilateral pneumonia, a blown disk in lower back and sciatica so bad that my legs were numb from the knees to the tips of my toes.  I've come to the conclusion that I have something wrong with my pain receptors.  I'm serious about this.  Deep pain doesn't bother me but don't let me step on something sharp.  Then I have pain.  Probably wouldn't bother someone else but to me it's soooo painful.  My RD keeps asking me if I need other pain meds or need to take more of the Tramadol and I tell him no.  He looks at my joints and just sort of shakes his head. 

Just give me a Tramadol and let me go shopping and I'm fine for about 4 hours. My art is really the greatest pain relief for me.  I read, do silversmithing when my fingers cooperate with one another, and volunteer.  I guess I'm lucky that my pain receptors are on the fritz.  Everyone's pain level is different and I think that different areas of our bodies hurt diffently.  Your damaged wrist and my damaged wrist may have the same amount of damage but we'll feel the pain differently.  My knee may have less damage than yours but I may feel more pain in my knee.  Pain is subjective.  I'll let you know about my pain level in June when I have a total knee replacement.  I'm sure that my little morphine pump will be newest best friend.

LinB39202.7059953704i take 2 x 200mg sustained release tramadol a day but i am seriously thinking of getting something stronger. the tramadol barely touches the pain. i am worried though of getting hooked on stronger meds can anyone suggest something else i could take. I want Lin's pain receptors!!!  I want your tolerance!!!  That is so great that you are not in a ton of pain.  Art is a really good release.  I wish I could do something like that. 

Mom, Have you called your Dr about the Humira not helping yet? When I tried Humira I may as well have injected air ,it did absolutely nothing for me. I didnt stay on it long once we saw it wasnt helping at all,if anything I was worse.

I have had pain like you describe but when I am in a flare.



I pretty much regulate my pain with prednisone. I adjust my prednisone as needed with my Doctor's blessing. He says that i know my pain better than anyone and he is soooooo very right.


Yeah I have tried the pred thing and on real bad days I have upped my maintenance dose a little bit.  But then I have to wean back down ugh.  So more times than not I will do a non drug pain therapy instead. 

If I wasn't on pred tho, I would be much worse off than I currently am and that would just plain suck. 

My PT told me people have radically different tolerances to pain. I guess
that's why some people are able to go for years and years while getting no
treatment for their RA. Yesterday I had another completely pain free day----
that's 3 in 2 weeks for me! I'm wondering if the AP could be working that
fast?I take no pain relievers.  But between MTX, Plaquenil, folic acid, klonipin, and synthroid, I live with the pain because its been there all my life and I am used to it.  I do use vitamins, herbs, 3-6-9 omega oil blends, liquid calcium, probiotics, massage therapy, colonics, etc., in an attempt to try to keep my flagging health going somehow.  I avoid known foods that cause flares, like nightshades.  And I continue to try to keep a positive attitude, despite the known outcome from my diagnosis, but we all are going to die eventually anyway.  I have seen miracles with chiropractic, prayer, vitamins, medicine, faith healers, and mystery.  Pain is the one thing I can try to overcome with my own willpower.   

What type of pain?

As far as I could remember there were many types of pain at different time and at different part of the body.

Pain at joints usually swollen joints the skin could be tense, red intitially then turned to bluish black. Pain stayed at joints in the day if not purturbed but once in the night and early hours in the morning the pain might be continuous with excruciating pain.

Pain at soft tissue hind of knee cap. This type of pain was unbearable as it touched the heart and sent to the brain.

Pain when tendons were pulling/muscle spasm that was the time held on the leg to prevent any movement with mouth openned, eyes closed and murmured ow............... for minutes.

Pain at shoulder's joints that radiated to the neck or chest that radiated to the heart.

Pain at any part of the body with slight movement that radiated. It just tensed up and needed to stayed still completely.

When bedridden slight movement of any part of body by turning right or left might trigger pain.

What type of pain have you got?

Hi Mom, I am a mom of 3 also and am juggling work and kids and RA symptoms. Its hard there are some days I can hardly move due to pain, The doctor is still trying  new meds. I take Vicodin 5 2 every 6 hrs( or 1 every 3) I agree with the people who say keep a constant supply in your system because when the pain is bad  it takes a longer time and more of the pain killer to help. Good Luck to you and all who read this, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy!  Correct herbs can effectively stop pain and 'coax' the disease to go 'gentle'. In fact it is the most friendly approach to 'tame' the furious and aggressive flare. i take tramadol for the pain and i found they work really well with no side effectsI was going to post this same question. However I take ibuprofen or naproxen sodium for the pain. I too am on once a week Humira and it doesn't seem to be doing anything for me as I have daily pain. Now I'm havin trouble with my knees, so it's difficult climbing stairs and walking when getting up from a sitting position. I'm due back at the rheumy's next month and I think I will ask for something for the pain. If I don't take ibuprofen daily, I have problems walking, getting up, stair climbing and general achiness. I really thought Humira would help all this, but it hasn't yet. I can sympathize with you....I have these wild lingzhi formula herbs for pain and treatment of arthritis. I have not taken any drug for almost 2 decades. No other symptoms nor side effects and completely overcome the disease.


My pain is generally all over. My muscles are weak and painful too. I do have pain in my knees and hips but I overall feel bad when Im like this. I wish an herb would help my problem but I've tried with no luck. I might ask my dr about tramadol. She currently has me on vicoden and I dont like taking it all the time. It's been a month since ive started the Humira and really havent seen any improvement. I guess I will wait for a few more months. Thanks! mom 

I   take tramadol, 2 tablets morning and bedtime. Sometimes I need a vicodin. For regular old breakthrough pain, I  will try to get involved in something on line,  do some scrapbooking,  take a bath.

when it is really bad I ask Mark to  stroke me. It's  far lighter than a massage, he just barely runs his hands over the surface of my body, concentrating on my arms, scalp and chest, just  above the breasts.. He  has  a very natural theraputic touch.. I've never seen anything like it. after about 10 minutes my whole body is very gently tingling, and I fall asleep into a deep deep sleep. He can remove migraine headaches doing this as well.  its just amazing.


ummm no...  you can't borrow my husband.. sorry.

[QUOTE=allycat]i take 2 x 200mg sustained release tramadol a day but i am seriously thinking of getting something stronger. the tramadol barely touches the pain. i am worried though of getting hooked on stronger meds can anyone suggest something else i could take.[/QUOTE]

I have read several times that people who have chronic pain do not get "hooked" on pain killers. I doesnt work on us the same way as someone who is an addict.  For me Im able to function better. Im able to walk better, do housework, cook etc. 

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