Blood Diamond | Arthritis Information


Did anyone see this movie. The movie was fiction but based on a true
situation that goes on in Africa. It was a good movie but saddened me that
this type of thing goes on with the children. What a messed up situation. We saw that.  Good movie.  Sad tho. 

Great movie. I was doing some research online about diamonds and found that it is really hard to guarantee that diamonds we purchase aren't conflict diamonds. My husband was relieved when I said I never wanted another diamond in my life :)

I love movies like this that help me understand the world better and open my eyes to exploitation and human suffering!

My favorite scene is when the father finally finds his son and he offers him two options; to go back to the evil life he has fallen into or to leave and become part of the family again. The father tells his son that he will always love him, no matter what he does and that he is his son no matter what. Then he offers him forgiveness and restoration. To me that was such a picture of my relationship with God. I know that God pulled me out of a miserable existence and forgave me. Now I have a restored relationship with him. That scene was such a beautiful illustration of that to me.

gwendolyna39202.9507986111Thanks for your story gwendolyna. I have never owned a diamond in my
entire life. I have a gold wedding band. I'm so glad I don't now. I had no
idea this sort of thing went on. I loved that scene too. The whole story was
very sad and to think there are 200,000 young African boys in that situation
makes me sad. They are robbed of their innocence and not allowed to be
children. What a shame that this whole situation is not controlled. There
must be a lot of corruption in this country. What a mess.