New to the RA forum | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone.  I am soo happy to see such a large community of people with RA.  Together we can help eachother get better.  My thanks to the internet as well.  Anyway, I am glad I found this site and i'm going to do alot of looking around.  Please visit my blog about RA if you get a chance.  Let's exchange info! Welcome to the board!Hello Greenchile, and welcome to the party!! Hi and welcome Greenchile!

Welcome to the board!! Sorry you have to be here but glad you found us.  We are a great bunch of people and together we are a wealth of information.  Feel free to ask anything, there is no silly question.  Or just feel free to vent away. 


Wow thanks for the warm greeting! Kelsaysmommy - there is nothing to be sorry about as RA is part of who I am and I am definately not sorry for that lol.   Dear Grreenchile, I'm pretty new here myself. Welcome and I hope you keep posting about your life, your family and how you 'deal' with this 'stuff'. We are all at a different level of development with this disease and so some info probably doesn't apply to your case, but we all know we need to 'treat' this RA and not ignore it. You sound like you've got it under control. Thanks for your message, SarahWelcome Greenchile!

I'm hungry enough on the Prednisone and you have to go pick a name that w
sounds so very yummy!!! lol Welcome have a great attitude!  And I agree on the chili blessed, lol.....


Just wanted to officially welcome you (although I am just a "newbie" myself) and let you know that I did not mean to ignore your kind post to me recently on another thread (healthy diet cure rant). 

My present mood isn't helping me to be as tolerant as I would/could/should be normally...although it is improving (a little)...but I still think it's best I just don't visit that particular thread again...

I did take the opportunity to check out your website though...and have absolutely LOVED what I have had the time to read so far... especially enjoyed your description of, and thoughts on, "intuitive eating"!!!  You have a great attitude and you seem to have compiled some really interesting information and it is very generous of you to share this wealth of knowledge. 

Thats all for I am actually itching to get back to your web site!



melly, if you have bad mood don't throw your darts at other's board. The tantrum you have could further aggrevate the insomnia and the diseaseKokako   IAYSDAH