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With all this political talk I was curious to hear what the reaction was to this idea. I'd like to know how everyone feels about this:



i would be happy with a three day weekend. whoever made these rules, work 5 days have two off!


OH....I would LOVE that!! Actually working 3 days wouldn't be bad either. I like the idea of more days off than on. And every other week, I work 6 days right now. So 2-3 days a week would be awesome!

How about naps during the work day? One of my bosses had gone to Spain, I think--and was telling us how the whole business district closed for 2 or 3 hours for a "nap."  Personally I'd rather take that 2-3 hours at the end of the day, and just work a shorter work day. I think it would be hard to take a 2-3 hour "break" and then have to go back to work...

I would be happy with a 3-day weekend, maybe 4, but 5 days is too much for me and my routine.

And I agree with amylynn about the naps...give me the time at the end of the day, or the beginning of the day.  I'm too groggy after a nap.

 Hi, Actually my husband has always had three day weekends- works 4 days 10hrs and we LOVE it !!! Fridays are for yard work, cleaning and repairing, and shopping. Saturdays are for golfing and resting, and Sunday is for church and naps !! Works great for us.

Look out if you are at work this is a talkie! Turn pc volume down.

I'd really like a 6 hour day five days a week with insurance. Just about the time I can't stand my key board I could go home. Yah!!


Sorry; Forgot to mention that M.

I'd been seeing this commercial on our local TV channels here and looked at it just to see what it was all about. Now I'm all for a shorter work day......or even a three day weekend; but I think this 5 day weekend is a little over the top; and frankly rediculous. Do these people behind this cause think their employers can run a business like that? It's unlikely and if a business goes under then they'll have no job to go back to......even for their little two day work week. I'm not sure if it's a joke or what.

Genesis~I'd like to do what your husband does. I would certainly be willing to work 4 10 hour days a week. I could easily get my entire weeks worth of work done in that amount of time.

I work 12 hour shifts so have four days off a week, never all in a row though.   
But Lovie, how would this work, people only working 24 hours a week? My
husband works 5 8's a week and would love to go to 10 hour shifts. A
longer work day makes more sense economically for the entire country.
Think about less commuting, less gas, less washing of uniforms/clothes,
less overhead costs for the companies, it makes sense economically and
environmentally for our country. There are many though that would not
want to work 12 hours a day. I don't mind it now that my ankles are not
swollen 24/7. This is a really good thought. Thanks for sharing this. NO!!!  No 5 day weekend!!!  >.<  Danny would drive me insane!!!!  Heeeheee.  3 day weekends would be nice tho.  By Thursday he is officially done with his work week anyways if you go by 40 hours.  Then he has another 8 on Friday, 6 on Saturday, and 4 on Sunday (only every other Sunday tho).  Yeah, mandatory OT.  I wanna beat the union negotiator that gave in to that one lol.  WHOA WHAT??? Does he not get any days off?

There's no way this would work.....I've just seen it advertised and was curious as to what people thought about it. It's actually rediculous.

Do these people think they are going to work for two days and still get their regular salaries? My husband is a business owner and his guys work by the hour. I can tell ya right now business could not operate this way. They would never get a job finished if they only worked two days a week. Could you imagine what would happen to this country if everyone thought this was a good idea?

I just don't understand this whole campaign and thought maybe someone could explain to me what it's all about.


Well, i looked around the site and did not see what the plan was. What I
thought was they were advertising a 5 day vacation in their area, lol. I'll
have to research this more. LOL, Lovie, this is classic. Took this off the blog comments. Gotta love
those kids

"I am a high school student and I have taken interest in your movement.
However, many of my friends would like to know if the five-day-weekend
will apply to school too; if so, I think that I could muster up a whole lot of
support for you movement. I hope this goes somewhere, I think it would be
really cool to have a five day weekend. Thank you very much." — Eli W.

Most people in professional jobs for large corps are working more than 40 hours per week in the USA. Lots of us do not take all our vacation days and when we do vacation it is with a laptop from work.

It would be healthier if we de-stressed more often, and paid a little more attention to our families, and perhaps learned enough about politics to cast an intelligent vote.

I like that unused vacation days ticker on the web site.

hahahahahha that would be great! hahahhaha


Lorster, he has every other Sunday off for the next couple of months or so.  He does have a 3 day weekend for Memorial Day tho.  Hey the checks are nice lol.  But he gets mega cranky and so do the rest of us because we don't get to see him. >.<  He pokes into the girls room when he gets home and says goodnight and gives them a kiss.  In the mornings they poke their heads into my room and say hi and bye to him before they leave for school.  I get up at night and spend about an hour with him and then go back to bed.

As a freelancer, a straight 40 hour 5 day week would have been nice!

"Some folk just don't know they're born" as we say in the UK once past a certain age I never thought about the kids being home that much lol.  That would drive me crazy lol.

OMG~Pin; can you imagine the back up at doctor's offices if they were only open 2 days a week!! YICKS. Imagine how long it would take to get the cable guy out to your house.

M~You are definately right. We do waist too many vacation days. I'm bad about that myself. I rarely take all mine; especially all at one time. If I'm not in the office it really screws up things because there are certain things I handle that no one else can do; so I try not to be out more than a couple days at a time. It isn't because my employer doesn't let me take my vacation....it's just that I hate the mess I have to clean up once I'm back to the office. It takes me days to catch up from being out too long. I try to spread my time out some. A three day weekend here.....a four day weekend there. I also take a lot of afternoons off to shuffle doctors appointments.

My husband is in construction and spends part of the week out of town,Mon. thru Thurs. evening, it's been this way for us for nearly thirty years and we love it. During the week I can shop, visit, clean, SLEEP, NOT watch sports on TV, or not clean or  cook if I don't want too. Then for three whole days we can do what we want together and have a great time. Just me and my new little Toy Pomeranian (gift from DH for valentines day) to enjoy during the week. He gets four wks paid vacation a yr also Ohh Genesis that is sweet the schedule you have!!!  On a good note....OT and hubby's work has been cut!!!  I will miss the money but hey...I was missing his cute self even more!  It wont last long like this tho.  they are only behind because the fabrication guys are moving across the street to the new shop at the main plant so they are behind a little.  Once they catch up..hubby will be behind and back to that insane schedule.

You guys want to see a construction nightmare?  It is called the Marquette Interchange that is downtown.  What a nightmare!  And only 2 more years left of it!!  YAY!!!  I do not know what idiot came up with the idea of redoing it, but I would love to meet them and give them a good smack with a wooden spoon.  Well, I can't use my hands to do it lol!!! 

I could never see a 2 day work week actually working here.  Just for most of the reasons already stated.  My main thing is...how would these kids get educated?  Home schooling?  I don't think I could do that.  Not that I don't have the patience....I don't have the smarts!!  I take one look at my freshmans in high school math work and I just cross my eyes and gimp away as fast as I can lol.  I think if I had more confidence in myself and the smarts to do it...i would home school. 

My cousin was home schooling her son who has Aspergers , she did this for nearly 19 months, it was due to lack of funding for specialist schools in the UK.He has now been placed in a unit attached to a main stream school that deals with his problems.She said its now like being on a long holiday, it was very hard on her but that was due to his Aspergers more than the home schooling
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