More on Fish Oil | Arthritis Information


Here's yet another article on the benefits of fish oil in RA


I've been taking 10,000 mgs of Fish Oil, containing 3000mg of EPA/DHA
daily for months now and I believe it really helps. Please do not use oil made
from fish liver, such as cod liver oil, as it contains so much vitamin A you
can overdose while trying to get enough EPA/DHA. Use only fish oil made
from the body of the fish.

I've tried fish oil and it makes me burb up fish...ISH ...ICK..UGG. I also smell fishy - is there a brand of fish oil that doesn't cause 'fishyness'?

I would like to try again.

If the fish oil smells fishy it's because it's rancid. Buy your fish oil from a
place where there is a high turnover of product.I have the sample problem.  I have tried everything, bought it from a good place with fresh stuff, and I still burp fishy stuff.  yuck.  so I stopped taking it. would omega capsules do the same? Marian and Hula, try taking it at night before bed with a bit of food. I had
the same problem and this resolved it. Also, keep it in the fridge for longer
lasting effects.I don't know...I've never had that problem even though I've used a bunch of
different brands (except once when I got one skanky capsule). I've been taking fish oil tablets for quite a while now and haven't had problems with burping up fishy stuff.

I buy my fish oil at CostCo, and I get the Enteric Coated Capsules.  The Enteric coating supposedly "reduces the fishy odor and aftertaste by protecting the softgel until it reaches the lower intestine."  It must work--cause I haven't had any problems.

It is a little more expensive than the non-enteric coded tablets but definitely worth the difference!

I also keep my fish oil in the fridge.

dordale dordale839204.4817708333Thanks. I didn't know they came that way. I buy from costco also but mine
are the see through gel capsule type.

The new doctor at Mercola took me off my Carlson's Super Omega-3 Fish Oil and put me on KRILL OIL. Dr. Mercola is nuts for this krill oil.

Gimpy..I agree, if your fish oil makes you burb it up all day or if it is smelly..they are probably rancid. I keep mine in refrigerator. I wouldn't suggest buying it in those huge Costco bottles...probably rancid by the time you purchase it.

