Do I have this? | Arthritis Information


Hello, I've been on the board for a long time but in the RA section.  I have been dealing with an illness now for over one year.  First was diagnoised with a "reactive" rhuemotoid arthritis.  Doctor tried everything to help me but nothing did.  Now he sent me to a nuerologist.  Just saw him yesterday.  Ran blood work and also set me up to have a EMG (nerve test).  He mentioned PMR but when I read about it what I found was it was mostly muscle pain in the upper torso, neck, hips????   Infact, I have all over muscle pain (dx with FMS 30 years ago).  The one symptom that has disabled me is the nerve pain in my feet and joint pain in my hands, wrists.   Does PMR do this?  I have tingling, numbness in those areas.  Is this PMR??  THanks in advace for any replies.Lynnann I was diagnosed with both PMR and sero-negative RA. Burning pain started in my wrists and arms, then shoulders stiffened up terribly, and it felt like a knitting needle was being jabbed through my hips and butt!!  Plus aching and general all over muscle pain.

My GP thought PMR after blood tests came back with elevated ESR and referrered me to Rh.  Rh diagnosed Seronegative RA with Polymyalgic features. 

(By the way, I had Carpal Tunnel release surgery on both hands about a couple of years before things turned to custard)!!  Carpal Tunnel can often be involved somewhere along the line with both conditions, either before or after a diagnosis.

Hope you can get some answers soon.

Tingling, numbness in hands and sore arms can be a sign of Carpal Tunnel if it is on the thumb side of the hand, involving the thumb, forefinger & middle finger.

  Or possible ulnar nerve involvement if it affects the outer side of the hand.  The tingling for that one is down the outer side of the hand, also up arm. and involves the pinkie and 1/2 the ring finger.

Try a google of both conditions - there is heaps of good plain English stuff you can access that might help you to identify something.
Thanks, Jeanne :)