OT--Stiches | Arthritis Information


Well Kelsay got her first round of stiches...She was runnin around not listenin to me (as usual) and ran ran into the corner of the counter at the convient store across the street.  She cried hysterically and also threw up.  I was so impressed w/ the guy that works over there, hes a friend of mine but he did really good, he put a band-aid on her and everything and even cleaned up where she threw up.  So we went to the ER and she had to get 5 stiches.  She did awesome!!  She didnt cry at all. The numbed it so she didnt feel it but she did really good.  SO yea 3 hrs at the ER today....not fun :(  But my baby is ok... kelsaysmommy39205.7171990741 Awww poor baby!!!  Poor Mommy too!!! I hate it when the kids get hurt like that.  We have not had to do stitches yet, but have had to do a couple of brokens bones and a very bad sprain.  shannon, why did she throw up? was it because she was upset or did she
knock her head pretty hard? did the ER doctor know shw threw up? I just
hope she didn't get a concussion or something.   Awwwww poor baby!!!!!! I can relate! When I was 4, I clocked my head on an old radiator in my kindergarten class. MAN did my head bleed!!! I was sick to my stomach too, but managed not to throw up. LOL I know my mom had a hard time with that! It was LESS than a fun experience. She needs some extra candy this week, Shan........

Yea i think she threw up cause she hit her head pretty good.  yea i told the ER dr about it.  By the time they saw her she was back to her good ol Kelsay self lol   They did give me a list of things in the discharge papers that i should watch out for.

Poor little girl, its such a shock to them when they do it but it will be like a trophy to show off to her friends

Jamie managed to cut off the tip of his finger on Mothers day when he was 5.. he slammed it in the hinge of a closet door... poor kid, he was usually a screamer, but this time he got very quiet.

he was so proud of his stitches too, they had to sew right through the nail bed, when he went to school the next day he proudly showed off the finger, too bad it was  the naughty finger..lol   whats worse is it was the 3rd consecutive Mothers day he spent in the ER...


I'm sure she will be fine..  just keep an eye on her for a few days.

I think every child has a spot on their chin where they have been stitched.  I did.  My son did. My daughter did, lots of kids come in to work with the same spot.  I think it must be a right of passage or something.

Give her a lollipop for me Shannon

Poor little sweetheart!  I know how hard it is to see them scared and hurting, but the good news is, she probably won't even remember much about this in a few years.  (Oh, but you will!)

Go ahead and give Kelsay a lollipop, and pour yourself a glass of wine!

ea i think kelsay is gonna be excited to show off her stiches.  Shes doing good this morning.  Everytime i ask her if she feels alright she just responds "im ok..Jesus will heal me"  Its really sweet. 
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