Herbs and sleep ? | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone, Has anyone tried herbs to help them sleep? I have been on these trisicklits(sp) for about 3 years and in that time I have gained 50 pounds i recently heard that the weight gain could be due to these sleep drugs. Has anyone else had unusual weight gain? i am looking for some herbs to try if anyone can give some advice.

Thanks ...
Hi fuzz,
I use melatonin to help me sleep. it works pretty good. try it and let me know what you think. good luck.

I am on amitriptyline to help me sleep.  So far I haven't gained any weight, and it seems to work pretty well for sleep.  Haven't tried any herbs, but I understand there are some teas that work well for sleep, though I don't know which ones or if they really work.



Hey girls, heard that that drug DOES CAUSE weight gain.  I was on for a short time but I hated it; too foggy the next day.  Since I started taking Provigil for the fatigue in early mornings, I have NO problems sleeping at night.  I sleep deeply all night long and awaken refleshed.  It's help me soooooooo much.  I tried many sleep aids but they all left me drugged the next day.  I couldn't function.  It's weird.  I'm taking a drug for more energy during the day and still I can get relaxed enough for sleep at night and sleeping better than ever!!
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