Mtx mouth sores | Arthritis Information


What's an mtx mouth sore like?  I have a small spot inside my lip, touching my lower canine tooth, that's irritated and looks like a blister which has already popped.  Is this an mtx-related mouth sore?  Or did my inside lip just rub against my tooth and get irritated?

I'm on a low dose of mtx (4x2.5mg) and I take folic acid every day.


Take more Folic acid

So you think this is mtx-related?

My RD doesn't want me taking more folic acid.  Every day I'm already taking a 1 mg Rx tablet, 400 mcg in a B-complex tablet, and 400 mcg in my multi-vitamin.

InngerGlow--not sure if it's MTX related or not.  I get mouth sores occasionally like you describe.  I got them before I went on MTX and still get them once in a while.  I didn't really notice any increase with teh MTX.  If I do get one or feel one starting, I take L-lysine (it's a supplement that you can buy over the counter).  The L-lysine seems to really speed up the healing of the mouth sores.

Hope this helps--
dordale Innerglow is the spot white?  My mouth sores were white like a very small ulcer.  My rheumy also told me no more Folic Acid than the 1mg I was taking.  After a bit I no longer had any sores so I think it all takes time and I take 20mg-week MTX by injection.I was getting them all the time on MTX but my GP has me on 80mg a week of folic acid, this seems too much compared to all of you?  But I have had to constantly stop MTX in the past due to side effects and so far am tolerating it except for terrible diarrhoea, ....sorry. but the mouth sores when they come, I take Nilstat oral drops and this fixes them up quickly.  Janie.

So far it's just the one spot, and it's not white now, but it looks like the tissue has sloughed away, so it may have been white before.

But I definitely learned last night that pepperoni pizza does not go with mouth sores of any kind!

Ask your dr. to prescribe Peridex oral rinse. It will soothe the sores and make them heal much faster. My daughter used it for her mtx mouth sores, later she stopped getting them.

