Facet joint RA - cervical spine | Arthritis Information


HI guys, I have just had a CT scan of my C spine due to incredible pain and immobility, my ESR has elevated again to 42 now which I think hasn't helped but the CT showed DDD from C2 to C7 inclusive, all the facet joints had degenerative changes and the uncovertebral joints, with ligament laxity due to RA. There is an anterolisthesis of C2 on C3 and this is causing mild narrowing of the right -sided exit foramen.  Does anyone know if this is the same as RA in your C spine as I know this can be very serious, is this the start?  I can't stand this stupid disease, every day its something else.  I am going to my pain clinic on Friday after my Rheumy on Weds as I can't cope with the constant pain and lack of life.  Janie.

When my RA is properly controled it really helps in my back.....when it's not it can go anywhere from annoyingly painful to horrible pain that leaves me unable to stand or walk. Muscle relaxers work the best for me when it's bad.

I wish I had better information for you.....but I don't. I know that with all my problems; my back is defiantely the one that causes me the most trouble. I'm sorry you have to join tis club :(

Please take care.

Janie, I bumped up a link someone else posted about RA in the C-spine, but I'm not sure it will answer your questions.  It seemed to mainly talk about C1-C2, but I haven't looked at the article recently, so check it out.

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this pain on top of all the others.  I've had DDD for a long while before RA, including some herniations and stenosis in the c-spine, and it sucks.  I believe it causes much of my neuropathy, and while Lyrica has helped, it doesn't eliminate it.

Are you having any problems with nerve pain?

Thanks Suzanne, yes I am having problems with nerve pain, in shoulders, neck, arms, ulnar nerve, pins and needles in ring and small finger of left hand, this could be due to some tendon damage in left arm affecting the ulnar nerve though.  I am also getting numbness in feet after sitting or standing for a while, usually from lumbar spine, but I have had an op on L5/S1 so maybe thats playing up again.  Oh well, just another day in paradise.  Love Janie.
I can relate Suzanne...had MRI of back..have DDD and stenosis..to get to nueropathy in feet..had 2 epidurals, last summer, it didn't help, but mine is lower back..as i layed there on the table...they showed me all the synovial fluid they took out of the facet..i don't even know what a facet is!! It really helped my range of motion, can bend my back..I also, didn't know we can get RA in the back..But i am cedrtainly not bad enough for a back fusion
I had a cervical fusion, many years ago, the herniated disk, would of made me loose the feeling in my right arm, it probably was hitting the nerve...But it was a huge success
I am also taking Lyrica now for the nueropathy
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