I’m new-Question about Prednisone | Arthritis Information


I'm sorry for a new prednisone question, but here it goes. I am currently on a low dose 6mg 1X day. I was going to try to reduce it to 4mg but my rheumatologist said that I didn't need to because I was at a safe dose. What is considered a safe dose for this drug? I tried to go down to 4mg daily but had pain and swelling and went back to 6. My RD says that anything below 10mg is considered pretty safe. Still, it
will cause side effects. Really, no dose is the best dose. Weaning off it is
hard but worth it if it can be done.

Oh--welcome to the board!

Beckyrocckyd39207.4161342593Thanks. Hopefully I can go off once I see if the generic plaquinil is going to work. So far its been 6 weeks and I'm not sure. Welcome to the board!!  Pred does have some nasty side effects but we really need it at times.  The goal is to get off of it eventually and hopefully you can.I don't use Prednisone anymore, because my RA is well controlled and I don't need it. I did use a low dose 7.5 mg for several years and suffered no ill effects. The research on this varies. Here are some articles that mght be helpful.


http://general-medicine.jwatch.org/cgi/content/full/2002/122 /1



This is a good question. I just logged on to post the same one. I am on 5 mg a day now and was on 15-20-10 for the last 6 months or so. Unfortunately my dr just had me get a bone scan because he is thinking of increasing it but is increasing my other meds 1st to see if that will work. They don't seem too worried about 5 mg but said 10 is a problem long term-still I would feel better if I could get off it.


Welcome Caprice!! I've been taking 15mgs of prednisone for 2 months, tried going down to 5 over last few weeks , today I HAD to take another 5,( it is okay with my doctor). I have swelling in my fingers, and wrists, and my feet a feeling weird. I also take methotrexate 15 mgs, once a week,jsut yesterday! and am just starting Remicade (4th infusion).

After 15 years of relative calm with my disease (less than 5mgs at times)...But, I've had a severe trauma, operation, so the RA went ballistics. You'll find a lot of info on pred, we almost all have to take it, and most of us would like to get off of it. Good luck, Sarah

I have taken Prednisone once and plan on never taking it again.  I have always been told that 7.5mg and lower is safe as our bodies usually make this amount but can switch off when taking this amount by medication.  I know my Rheumy has always wanted me on 7.5 or lower, but it never happens.  Janie.  The answer to your question is there is NO safe dose of prednisone. Go to
my thread called The P Word. It is a pretty comprehensive profile of this
med. I agree, I would try to reduce but I could not go from 7.5 to 5.  That is just too much of a jump and I would be in so much pain.  Its best to ween much more slowly.  Ask for a script of one milligram pills.  I can not go down more than .5 to 1mg  every 2-3 weeks.
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