Filing for SS Help! | Arthritis Information


Anyone out there with any advice on filing for disability? I have an appointment at the end of the month and I'm a little nerves.I'm not sure what to expect. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Gina


The first thing I would advise when applying for Social Security Disability is don't act well.  Sounds simple huh?  Well, I made sure when I went to pick up my papers that I was up and down frequently, let the lady see my hands swollen out to Nebraska. etc.  She actually filled out the inintal batch of paperwork for me on line.  That may NOT be something you can expect where you are though.  I live in the US Virgin Islands and things are a bit different.

The other thing I would advise is be specific and detailed.  Some questions seem very repetitious -- don't hesitate to repeat what you'lve already stated.  Go for the minutiae of how RA affects your life.  Do you have difficulty brushing your hair?  State it.  Do you have difficulty walking, standing, sitting?  State it.  Every little detail you can possibly think of will be helpful to your case.  I had to fill out a form on activities of daily living.  I did it on separate paper and attached it to the forms.  I numbered everything just like on the form itself.  You are allowed assistance in preparing your form.  Use it if necessary.  Show them how disabled you are -- not how able you are. 

If you've had to change your style of dress to more "pull on" clothes and less buttons, state it.  If you can no longer manage zippers or buttons, make sure they know it.  My final package went on for about 12 pages or so (single spaced typewritten).  I was very detail oriented and I was also successful on my initial application.  If you are denied on your inital application, pursure it -- but with a social security lawyer.  The lawyer will work on a contingency basis.  No benefits, nothing for him.  He will take a percentage of your retroactive settlement.

Remember, there is a five month waiting period for benefits, so be specific of when you became disabled. 

Be patient.  It takes a while to get a determination.  Most people wait for four months on average.  I had to wait five months for my application to be finished processing.

Hugs and good luck,



Excellent advise from Janis. I will add that it is a good idea to give a copy to your doctors of your daily activities and how they are changed so it will be in the files. It also helps to think of all the things you did on your job and list how your disability kept you from performing. Example: numbness in hands cased you to drop pens, telephone, etc. Couldn't lift whatever (ream of computer paper), couldn't bend over to file in bottom file drawers. Couldn't stand/sit for more than one hour. Get a notebook and start writing things down as you think of them so you will be ready to fill out the forms. This will also give you a reference when they ask you to fill out more forms. Make sure you list every doctor you have seen no matter if it wasn't for the particular problem you are claiming disability for. Sometimes they take into consideration a combination of health problems. I was also told that it is bette to go in person to the SSA office to start the initial procedure rather than do it via telephone because they do make notes of your appearance and any visible handicap.(use a cane if you normally do)
Don't worry about it, you can do this.
Here is a good site that will walk you through all the steps. It's very long, so after you read Part 1 be sure to go down to the bottom right side and click on "2" to continue.

There isn't anything I can really add. The only addition is don't be advisarial to the doctor. Be honest and cooperative. I was denied the first time and hired an attorney to help me (if you have to hire one, make sure they specialize in ssdi). SS sent me to one of their drs and a phyciatrist. Never figured that one out. But I was having a terrible time with my wrist and couldn't get a good answer from my RD (now my old RD) and so I just asked him. He told me that it would never get better, that it was the progression of the RA. When I left I thought how stupid I was to ask the SS dr that. The attorney warned me that the ss dr always puts you in for a denial. I got my SSDI the first try. The only thing I can figure is that I was honest and the I actually asked him a question about my illness. I am sure all drs are different. But I think being friendly and honest really helped me.


I want to thank everyone for their advice! I had an appointment for next week and rescheduled it for the end of the month, so I would have more time get my info together. I kinda wish had not my wrist is hurting like no tomorrow and I think the water on my knee is coming back. i have not taken my wrist brace off in a week. I will keep you posted. Thanks again! Gina