Lost a pound club | Arthritis Information


Starting a whole new life--after prednisone! Honestly it is almost impossible to take off weight and take pred. I was down to 5mgs, now back up to 7.5mgs, and already I can feel the pressure mounting to eat!

This morning my husband took me to coffee at MC Donalds, and came back to the car with 2 ice cream sundays! I just had to eat it even tho I knew it would ruin my next effort to take off yet another pound.

One at a time, we all say!!

So, it you have trouble taking off pounds while on prednisone, plese don't feel alone. LOL, Sarah

Oh Sarah, I so understand.  I've put on 30lbs and have been on Pred. for almost 3 years.  I'm down to 10mg and hope to be down to 7.5mg (again) in a couple of months.  When I'm at 7.5 I don't have food cravings and an appetite that a logger would be embarrassed to have.  I'll join you in a weight loss effort if you'd like.  We can keep this thread going to talk about our progress.  See how positive I am, we will have progress.  Just don't give up Sarah, your husband was just being so sweet, too bad it was with a sweet. I've been off the pred since Jan. and decided I had to really get serious about losing all the weight I've put on since I got pg 21 YEARS AGO!!! How pathetic is that. I lost 20lbs during the flare last year and have gained it all back. So I'm trying to keep myself to 1200 calories, I lost ONE POUND over two weeks!!! How crappy is that? But, I'm not going to give up, I'm going to start over every time I blow it and I can always go back to my flare diet, one banana and one peice of toast everyday for 2 months....NOT.

Please, please join me. We can share the prednisone rollercoaster ride, our progress per pound (even two weeks is really good and prob. best for our bodies) Thanks for the encouragement, I know he means well, BUT! , he's the one who wants me to be thinnnner. Go figure? Funny, he usually doesn't eat that ice cream at McD's??? So that was breakfast, lunch and dinner (a little chicken and green peas).

I won't give up either...

Thanks so much, Sarah


Something that has really helped me and it is just a suggestion but has
really curbed my sweet tooth. I drink a lot of crystal lite type drinks. It
has been proven that if you drink, it can take the place of eating heavy
sugar laden foods. The other thing I do is, it is a bit more fattening but if
I'm having a bad binge craving for something sweet I will drink hot
chocolate with some of that vanilla creamer in it. It makes it very rich and
sweet but not nearly the calories as a sundae or cheesecake or any of
that. Try it, it may make a difference in how many actual calories you are
taking in. Also, something I learned from behavior modification is. You
can order the cheesecake, or sundae and share it. Adopt the 5 bite rule.
Eat 5 bites of it, and send it away. Your brain still got the sweet fix for
much fewer calories. With me, the dessert is not really something I want
to fill me up, but rather the sweet high I get, lol. So if you think about it,
it is not quantity with dessert, more just a few bites of rich. It works for
me and my husband. I love any dairy dessert but have to watch it (along
with dairy not agreeing with me) Try to substitue liquids for solids if you
can. it makes all the difference. Also, if you drink regular sugared
drinks, get rid of them. I was a coca cola addict 2 years ago, had to have
my big swig every day. It took me a good month to make the switch, but
now I like the sweetners better, not as rich. Anyway, hope this helps.lorster39208.8081365741 Girls, girls, girls! Why do we torture ourselves so? The Prednisone is a wicked medication. Just like everything else in life, if it makes you feel good, it must be bad.

And I was once told, "You have to take a lot of bad, just to get a little good." Now, isn't that the truth? I would like to join you girls on the weight loss plan but...I'm not sure how committed I can be while on the Prednisone.

I AM WEAK AS WATER, I TELL YOU!!!!!! Blessed39208.8781018518

Hey Sarah.

Do not worry too much about the eating. You will make it. I am sure when you get down to a low enough dose or even off of pred, the weight will not be much of an issue, because you will not feel the urge to eat. But I can say this... if you feel well enough now, you might can walk in place to help burn off calories. I use to do that when I was able to. I had a workout video I was using were you walked in place for a mile and also done some other easy exercises. I could not do the squats, so I would walk while they were doing the exercises I could not do. You do not have to walk in place long, maybe 5 - 10 mins a day. It is a start, and then maybe you can build the time you do it up.

I have went from 10mg of pred down to 5mg of pred and in less than 2 months I lost 7 pounds and I believe I lost another 2 pounds recently. And I was not even trying.

Oh and try to not drink so many carbonated drinks. I have cut down on my soda intake and I do not feel as bloated.

I know you asked for ideas a couple of weeks ago, but I was not feeling up to posting, but now I am feeling a bit better.

I hope you can take off all the weight you are seeking to get took off. I would love to be a size 8 again.

Good Luck!


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