Hi...newbie RD inflected 48 yr old Male | Arthritis Information


Hi Folks!  I’ve been lurking for a few weeks since my GP told me that my blood test indicates that I have traces of RD.  I’m in Los Angeles and have Health Net HMO.  The soonest that I can get an appointment with a Rhumy is in the middle of July L


Anyway…I’m a 48 year old male, (was) athletic and practiced good eating habits and first started feeling pains in the bottom of both of my feet for the about  two years.  I’ve been to two different GPs, two different Podiatrists, a Pain Specialist/Neurologist and a Spinal Surgeon.   I had an MRI that indicated my pain in my feet might be caused by a damaged disc between L5 and L4.  Now...I in the mornings I have stiffness in both my hands, shoulders and knees as well as the bottom of my feet.  My knuckles get very warm and I'm pain almost all the time.  I am full of self-pity since I've always been healthy and find myself constantly asking myself, "why me?". Well…seems that I have RD.  Damn.


So…just wanted to say hi and wanted to thank you all for all the info on this message board.  I’m on 10 mg of Pertozone, 800 mg 3 x a day of IBP and 900 mg of Gabapentin.  I’m scared but I’m coping with it…to a degree.  I’m very anxious to see the Rhumy…

You're welcome.

Hi there Pal!


I'm also a newbie who's been lurking around the corridors of this forum since having been freshly diagnosed (last week) with R.A.


Just like you I am a bit chuffed at having the disease... however I am also much relieved, as now my mysterious symptoms are all explained, and I am not alone, yay


I'm in Sydney, and have been doing temp work since taking redundancy in late January; and now I think I'll keep on temping, as it's great to have 'recovery days' here & there, in between assignments.


I can't take any of the conventional Meds as they all burn holes in my stomach, so it's plain old Nurofen for me when the pain gets too much... and I'm starting to try the natural therapies like fish oil etc... and yoga.  I sooo miss running etc, but now that I'm diagnosed I feel better about my current limitations.

Welcome toycarlvr...Glad to have you. Try not to be too frightened...as everyone here has told me...there are lots of different treatments if you do have RA. But the important thing now is to relax. Stress is very bad in RA. It can make your symptoms worse.

I would call my Rheumy's office and get put on the cancelation list...so you can get your appt moved up sooner. I called quite frequently and got my appt moved up a month and 1 week earlier than my original appt. Good luck.

Again...WELCOME!!!! July is a long way off!, could you get on a 'cancellation list'? Your disease started just like mine. My feet would swell in my shoes and I could hardly walk (was walking 18 holes of golf 3 x a week), then to my hands. I went to all of the 'other' doc's just like you and it took me 5 years to wise up!, I hope you get in to see the doctor sooner as what you are taking may be just covering the 'pain' and not helping protect your bones, joints from erosion from this 'stuff'. Good luck, SarahHello and Welcome.  Its hard sometimes to fight the self pity.  I find it goes in stages.  Its also seems unusually cruel to make us wait so long for the medical care that we need.  In the meantime, try to stay as positive as possible.  Make a list of the good things in your life.  Try to rest as much as you need and if things start swelling, you ice to try and keep it down.  With the right treatments, many people go on to live a pretty good life despite ra.

Hello to both of you and welcome!  Finding out that we have an incurable disease is very life changing and frightening.  I agree with Sarah to get on the Rheumy's cancellation list.  These Dr's are always booked because we need to see them on a consistant basis but I did get in sooner being on a cancellation list.

Take care.

Thanks for the advice everybody.  I'm already on the Cancellation list and I told the office that I'll be there on short notice anytime.  My issue is that all my meds I'm taking are only masking my pain and not addressing my real issues...and that really scares me

Again...I do appreciate all the great stuff I've learned from this board
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