For Dog Lovers | Arthritis Information


Many of us love our doggies, this was sent to me and I
hope you love it as much as I do.


You are a hairy fleabag
You never do a stitch of work.
You lick the faces of complete strangers
With the sole intention of underlining
My own social inhibitions

Sometimes you smell like old red wine
A bouquet of damp fur
Not only are you colour-blind,
You also cannot tell the difference between
a carpet and a couch.

You pretend that you find the word
"No" incomprehensible,
You insist on sharing your unmelodious
bark with the entire neighbourhood.

For some reason, you are afraid
of statues.   Statues just freak you out.

You are shameless.

You are the laziest, dirtiest
Most stubborn and presumptuous thing
I have ever known,

And I think you're perfect.

For Fergus.

 That's my doggy!!!!! How did you know?MINE TOO !!! My Izzy is a toy pomeranian and is 6mos. old today, A gift from my DH for valentines. She is black with a little white under her chin and chest and she is adorable!!! She's also a "little devil",lol  I call her Pissy instead of Izzy most of the time,very stubborn this little girl is,sassy too! We all love her to pieces!!! Thats why she's such a brat!... Anyway, the stories I could tell about her....... GenesisSpeaking  of   dogs   The  pet food  scrae  is  such a  pain.  We  had  eukanuba  and   nutro  ultra  and  both  were  dryyy  foods  but  our  vet  said  I  would  avoid  them  even Iams  ..  so  we  switched  to  Eagle pack foods.. Another  one the  vet  said  was  safe  for  now  at least  is  timberwolf organics   and  Innova.AARRGGHH!!! My vet said dry Iams puppy was safe!!! What did yours say?...... GenesisCassie, that poem is for my Dolly a Queensland Heeler who was afraid of not only statues but her own shadow.  The cats and dog were puppy and kitties together and I had a dog who thought she was a cat and 2 cats who think they're dogs.  Dolly isn't with us any longer but I think about her everday.  She even purred like the kitties.  Very strange but lovely. 