Newby - Running out of options | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone:

I'm new to this site, but glad I found it. I was dx. with RA about 4 years ago, although I had symptoms way before that. My problem is this. I seem to be very resistant to treatment. I've tried them all. I'm currently on methotrexate and Remicade. I've only been on the Remicade for 11 months, and I'm up to 500mg every 4 weeks. I can't go any higher than 7.5 mg on methotrexate or my liver enzymes start climbing.The Remicade is only lasting about 2 and 1/2 weeks now. I need an increase, but I'm scared to go up. I've nothing left to try. I'm only 39 and I have a 5 year old son.

Any new stuff on the horizon I'm unaware of? I'm literally running out of options.


ginliz.......Are you still experiencing alot of pain  with this medication??   What works for one doesn't necessarily work for another.  Seems everyone is different.  What else have you tried?  I'm 50 and have a young 9 yr old to raise myself and support!!  I am glad you found us.   This is a great support system and you will love everyone.  Post often and keep us updated on your progress!!

I was just reading in the newspaper this past sunday there is a company in Fremont,CA.. Scios that is working on a new medication for RA .. I am not sure what the status is it looks like they have been working on it since  end of 2000 its called SCIOS-489.

The story is mainly about using the drug to manage a rare cancer that the ex president of the company has... the co. has been bought by Johnson and Johnson.

ginliz, 500 mgs. of Rem every 4 weeks seems to be a lot.  If you've used that much for that often for 11 months and still not getting any or very little relief, I think you might be on the wrong medication. (Just my opinion) In my experiences, I've known people who did not benefit at all from Rem, then went to Embrel or Humira with great results.  I would definitely have a discussion with my Doc about your options.

Ginliz, I personally take 22.5mg of MTX and Humira weekly with very good results. I don't think I'd do that well without the 22.5mg of MTX though. That makes a very big difference. 7.5mg would not be helpful for me at all. Would your liver enzymes increase on the injectable type of MTX? Curious, but I imagine you'd have the same problem.

Bingethinker has a very good point that a change in medication all together may be what's called for but it sounded as if you've tried them all.

Keep your chin up. There are always new medications on the horizion.

Hang in there.


Thanks guys for all your support. When I said I've tried it all, I mean it: enbrel, humira, plaquenil, mtx, sulfasazide. All of them. I got relief for a while, but now it's like the other drugs. It's starting to wear off around the end of week 2. First it was right before my next tx. Then the end of 3 wks. Oh, and I also inject my mtx. Tried the pills during the shortage. that was a nightmare. Had a tx today. Other patients said there was a new drug scheduled for FDA approval later this year. They didn't know the name or the company. Anyone heard of it? I see my rheumy on Thursday. Will probably increase to 600 mg of Remicade. But thanks again for your support. Will keep you posted.