Frustering Rhumy First Appt :( | Arthritis Information


Ugg! I have not posted in a while, I have just been lurking, but today I finally got to see the Rhumy for my first appt. It was 1.5 hours long and yet I feel like nothing was accomplished and that I was barely listened too  I'd find another doc and get a second opinion. It can't hurt.

I'm so sorry that you were treated like that Jessica!  I agree that a new Dr is in order.  I went thru 3 before I hit one that paid attention to me.  While waiting for the criteria what are you suppose to do in flares and according to the criteria I have read you met 4 of them with the swelling pictures.  Can your GP give you something for the next flare?

Take care.

thanks for the input. Unfortunately there are only 4, yes 4 rheumy's within an hours drive. I could try to see a different doctor in the same group. My dad goes to Mayo clinic for his gout and other health issues and has been pushing for me to go as well, but I would have to convince my GP to do the referral. Having an HMO makes it difficult to find a doc on your own. not impossible, just difficult.  Oh Jessica1999...I am so sorry your RD didn't acknowledge your frustration. It is so typical to not be in a flare when it's time to go to our appts. I can't beleive he wouldn't even really look at the pics.

I agree with redheadtheresa, you need to find another RD. I would keep my appt in July with this one and find another in the mean time.

I hope you have a better day! Wow. See if you can get one of the dr's (either your GP or RD) to at least order your xrays in the meantime. That way they can review them at your next visit. Sorry you had a bad visit.Did he not even prescribe a short term prednisone? I was negative for RA factor, but he gave me pred (a tapering 10 day one) to see how I responded on it. I responded wonderfully to it, which was part of why he diagnosed me. Didn't keep me on it, though (thank God!), just used it for diagnosis. I thought most RD's did at least that.I would definitely find another Dr.  I was lucky in that my GP recognized my symptoms right off & got me in to a rheumatologist in 6 weeks.  Good luck!Dear Jessica, I'm sorry as well, I'm sure you were hoping for support, information, a plan of attack, etc.!! In limbo Isn't a good feeling. I wonder what he thinks tyou have??? It sure sounds like 'our awful RA', but I would like it not to be for your sake, Ive never understood WHY these RA docs, have such loads, or whatever that prevents them from seeing us sooner, when we neeeed them! (MINE is always on long vacations, so maybe that's it! LOL, Sarahred he didn't even offer pred. Just the OTC Aleve 2x a day. You are right hurts being in limbo absolutely sucks. At this point I just want an answer and a plan of attack. I thought that showing a picture of my feet swollen to the point that my toes were almost 2 inches off the ground when standing was a good indication of swelling. The part that made me really angry was that the whole reason this dx thing started was when an ortho surgeon recommended the RF blood test b/c of joint damage he saw in an xray of my knee. The MRI report did not indicate arthritis, so the Rheumy acted all confused as to why I was even there. I finally looked at him and said " I did not, out of the blue, request a blood test for RF. I was told to do so by the orthopedic surgeon. At the time I was completely asymptomatic!" The flair happened after the blood test was drawn, before the results were back. Showed RF 44 and the GP took one look at my feet and made the referral. I had to wait almost 2.5 months to get in.   Jessica....sorry to hear about your experiece.  Unfortunately the Dr's conduct doesn't surprise me since it sounds like experiece so far