Gluten Issues?? | Arthritis Information


Has anyone else gotten relief from RA symptoms on a gluten free diet?


i would put it more this way though... i dont eat gluten because it makes me flare up.

ive never been much of a bread eater, but it seems like things with high processed wheat (bagels) just rip me to pieces.. ive been GF for about 9 months..  also, i stopped bloating as high, and when i do accidently consume some it gives me the runs immediately.

its made me loose weight
A lot of people on AP find going gluten free really makes a positive difference to their health.  At the risk of sounding dumb, is gluten all carbs? I mean, crackers, cookies, rice, pasta, bread, rolls, cereals? Sophistablack - have you ever been tested for coeliac disease - you seem to have the symptoms to me. You have to eat a lot of wheat for 3 weeks before your test or it
wont show up in the i have never been formally tested.. i dont really think I need to. I would never endure three weeks of putting all that wheat/grain/oats in my body because I dont think I would be able to handle the 3 month flare as a result!

yeah gluten is in anything that contains wheat flour/wheat gluten/ etc..
but not all carbs.. potatos, and corn are ok.
but what you named, cakes, cookies, crackers, etc all have gluten.
You can get gluten free cakes, cookies, and breads at some health food stores but thry're usually kind of expensive. Gluten is found in a surprising number of things (like postal stamp glue).

So is there a big list somewhere of what has gluten in it? Or is it listed on the ingredients on food products??

The bloating sounds SOOOOO familiar to me...I can look 8 months pregnant by the end of the day some days.

Here's the list(s): ( you have to click "read more") 1kAJqs65T-51107072076.43
