Testing Labs-for us w/o Insurance | Arthritis Information


Well, it was Doc visit day today and of course yet another 0ish in lab tests were ordered. I am one of the lucky w/o coverage beyond major medical as they want 0ish/month for full coverage. So I make do...

I held off getting the labs done today as I was simply not in the mood though I was having a "swell'd" day..so-to-speak.

Just a bit ago I thought I would look to see if there were any reference prices online. You know just to see how screwed I am by our city-owned "community" hospital. And danged if I did not learn there are decent labs offering testing at around 40% of the cash price at our hospital. So I am saving about 0 on the labs based on the costs for the last round of tests. I have to drive an hour but, who cares I need to travel as part of business anyway.

I did a Google search for:

laboratory test prices

The place I am likely gonna go with is even running a "May Special" for what they call an "Arthritis Panel" for 9. Our local hospital charged me 0 for just the Rheum. Factor test last time. And this one includes the ANA, SED, Uric Acid & c-reactive tests.

I still want to research the labs and their reliability tomorrow but I see no reason they will be a below standard lab.

I could take off on a rant about turning the "management" of the facilities of our community owned Healthcare District to a for profit company...but I won't just now...

Needless to say tomorrow I am going to go ask the prices for the same tests. If there have not been any changes I am going to walk over the my buddy the city council member and ask why we are paying so much more...hehehehe...yeah, I get this way anytime I need more tests.

I better stop now...I feel a HUGE rant brewing and it is sleepy time...I hope...

Thanks for letting me vent and I hope the search will help others in my situation save a few bucks!!

BTW, I also learned that apparently there has been a change in ordering lab work. We do NOT need to see the Doc to order them. Apparently we can just order the tests we want. That alone will save me a TON of cash every year.

I am not sure if this is a new change or not...but it will sure be nice to have labs done BEFORE I go see my doc not go see him, spend , get labs and then spend another to have him read me the results I already know. I mean I like my GP but I like to save too...my GP is GREAT though as he is a private practice so I get all the free samples I need if a new Rx is expensive. He even supplied me for over a year on a med until we decided it was not really helping me much. Still...

this disease stinks without having to suffer with paying a bunch of money for it!

feeling your pain, Sarah

hi Sarah,

yup...just today I was explaining to someone who asked about meds I could take. I also explained that it was not just the cost of the meds. There are ways to get those either free or close to it...but it is the other costs. Those things that the uninitiated might not be immediately aware of...mainly labs and added doc visits. And not to forget those x-rays, MRI's, CT-scans or whatever else might be needed.

In a way I consider myself sort of lucky in that none of the modern meds have helped enough to justify the long term potenital risk. Especially since my joint damage is only really significant in two fingers (index fingers though). I have actually considered the idea of doing the "Ronnie Lott" method of treatment and just having them lop'd off. I seriously considered it for a while, and still think about it now and then. I have Pain everywhere but not much damage elsewhere. So am I keeping fingers crossed that soemthing will come along in the next 5-10 years and help.

IN the mean time just doing whatever I can to keep my money for important stuff...I saw a nice boat & trailer today for just 00 and well, I would probably not have been allowed back in the house if I left to go for a doc appt and came home with a boat...hehehehe...
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