Achy Breaky Joints! | Arthritis Information


I think I need to be put down! My wrists, fingers, elbows, ankles, toes, heels, and arches are VERY achy. I still find it hard to beleive that I have RA.

I was just winding a toy up for my almost 3 yr old and wondering how long I will be able to do this. This weekend my husband and myself re-did the flower bed. Pulled up old bushes and planting new ones along with flowers.

My husband is NOT a yard person like myself and he told me last night I needed to get everything in the yard and beds just how I want them because we can't be sure how long I will be able-bodied. Yard work is such GREAT therapy. I really enjoy it! Blessed39210.2527893518I am sorry to hear you are so achy.  I think the key is, is to find the right balance between activity and rest.  I LOVE to garden as well but just can't keep up with it like I used to.  It is frustrating and I also wonder when I will have to give up my garden all together but for now,I try to do what I can do and don't worry so much about how many weeds there are!

Hi Lisa, Oh dear what a terrible 'look into the future'. I've know people who elevate their garden plots with railroad ties filled with dirt so they don't have to bend down to tend the darling flowers, weed and give them a lift. Could you do this in your garden?  Gardening is so hard on my back, bending over that I come away feeling achy everytime, but I love it and my hummingbirds love the fushia, the mocking birds come for pyracantha, and a hedge with blue berries I planted just for them. I have small trees for my american goldfinch, and lesser goldfinch to hang there thissle seed in, and plenty of fresh clean water for the white crowned sparrows, a bewicks wren, and a brown towhee, that's feed. I only have a garden 30 ft long and 10 feet wide, in my condo,but it is really lovely.

I hope you can do something to continue tending your plants as they neeeeed you and you neeeed them! (I have mostly potted plants, the mandavia(diplodia) bloom all year around here!! can you believe it, and a pink blooming escalonia hedge, and some jade plants, not good at spelling these plant names, hope you know what the heck I'm talking about) Nothing special about my 'garden' except the birds love it and so do I.  What do you have in your garden?

