If you’ve been on Prednisone | Arthritis Information


And had to wean off, how quickly did your pain come back? I just started weaning yesterday, and I'm so anxious. I keep feeling my fingers and bending themThanks for the reply! I just started taking 40mg yesterday and take another 40mg tomorrow (down from 60 for 4 days). Then I'm down to 20 for 2 days, then nothing.As you're you haven't been on it long, and the taper is quite short, you might be fine. I was on 20mg for over 3 months so my taper is in baby steps to give my body a chance to adjust. If you feel icky at 20 stay there for a few days, then cut to 10 rather than to nothing straight away and call your RD to see what they say.I was on it for, oh 4 months? it was AWFUL to wean, but I just did it. I refused to be on it any longer, as it made me  raving lunatic. I HATED it.

I can't ever go back on it either, not with 3 corneal eye ulcers in one week!!  

*hugs* hang in there!!!


Do you take an NSAID for stiffness?  Just curious because Daypro toook care of all my stiffness.




Do you take an NSAID for stiffness?  Just curious because Daypro toook care of all my stiffness.




No, I'm only on the Prednisone. My doctor hasn't really figured out what is wrong with me yet. I had sudden onset of stiff/swollen/painful joints and some blood work came back slightly inflammed for Rheumatiod, but that's all.

I've been on just 5mg for 2 months. Ran out Sunday night--went to get the refill on Monday and I don't have any refills left. So I guess I'm done with it! I see my rhumy next week. I must not need to wean off of that small amount. My hands are hurting today...but it's really humid out--not sure if that's making them feel swollen???

So I can't tell you for sure if my pain is from being off the pred. for 2 days....or if it's the weather?? Time shall tell...

60 mg?? WOW! I can't imagine taking that much. I've taken pred 3 times and all 3 were the tapering for 12 days kind. I don't want to have to take it again at all, but if I do, that's the way I'm going. I'm so scared of getting stuck on it!

Hope it all goes well for you! Hang in there!

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