MTX | Arthritis Information


Is it possible to take your mtx 4 (2.5) one week and not experience hardly any side effects and the next week you are just messed up.   I took my mtx on Friday morning went to work and got  so sick I had to go home and to bed.  Saturday was a full day for me a funeral that morning and a rodeo that night, but I litterly forced myself so carry out all those functions with a huff and a puff.  Not to mention that I was bitten by a spider on my arm that is not getting any better. On Monday morning I woke up in great pain my lower back left side. called my GP told his nurse that I possibly had a uti, she advised me to take some azo, and called in a prescription for the spider bite.  about 7:30 last night to my surprise I passed a kidney stone.

Have you seen the dr after passing the stone
