Joint Swelling? Where? | Arthritis Information


Finding out that my pain is more muscle, I would "really" like to know where joint pain is?

Is it on the outside like the skin type area, is the pain felt inside like it would be the center of the bone, is it in the bend on the front or back of the knee or joint?



I am new here, and glad I found this site. As for your question for me, it is right in the bend of my finger, thumb and ankle. As for my ankle it is the outer side, feels way in there.

My doctor said I am not showing the normal signs, what is normal. My shoulders hurt, and click all the time. My thumbs, index fingers, great toes and ankle hurt all the time. Get bld work done Q4weeks and am on methotrexate. No xrays done...anyone with similar not normal symptoms??

My joint pain is deep in the joint but when they are red the skin can hurt as well.

Debbie I did not have "normal" symptoms nor was my blood work positive so it took me a long time to be Dx'd.  For a very long time I only had joint pain and my wrists and finger joints were red.  After about a year and a half the swelling hit and then I finally convinced a rheumy that something was very wrong.  It has turned out that I have Psoriatic Arthritis also.

Hi , it seems to me 'joint pain' is more of the location, although I do have clicking in my elbow (bone) right now? My swelling, pain and all is surrounding my hands, knees, ankles, etc. So I do see the confusion. Sarah

When there is inflammation it can occur outside the joint in areas of tendons, nerves, and sheaths.  Synovial fluid leaks into surrounding areas and causes swelling.  The joint itself can hurt, the surrounding area can hurt, you can have clicking and popping.  Nodules can form, bone spurs develop, Baker's cysts form behind you knees.  There are many assorted types of pain associated with RA.  Some of us have several different arthritic conditions and these multi conditions can cause a real garden of variety of pains.

There really isn't any pat answers regarding pain, inflammation, and how one reacts to it. It's different in each person. 

My pain is predominately in my wrists and hands, but I do have muscle pain in my arms as well.   My ankles have begun swelling about 6 months ago, puffy and spongy on both sides (my son calls them my cankles). 

Mine is primarily a deep stabbing going through all my joints. Then some days they throb and ache. I sprained my ankle very bady and was surprised to discover that the RA hurt a lot more than nearly breaking the ankle.

I find that it's normally on the 'outside' of my joints - so running right across my knuckles, over the knobbly bit in my elbows and the front of my knees to give some examples.

After having open heart surgery in December I spent 2 horrifying months whith pain so intense I was 'affraid to move'!, The sight of the operation healed, all the related 'chest' pain went away, BUT when the RA went ballistics THAT was the worst. I took 5 kinds of drugs and only predisone finally helped me....still on it. Remicade/methotrexate which takes so long (or doesn't work for me) and now my doc is thinking about what to do for me. Change from Rem to something else? Who know's I'll hear tomorrow. I have swelling and stiffness and can't hold my coffee cup! Still sorting this out after months of trying, however I'm NOT in screaming pain! Thankfully, Sarah


Don't you mean synovial sac?
