Medical Records | Arthritis Information


The following is a copy and paste of a recent message I remembered on the RA board contributed by maryblooms- thought you may find it informative.

Hello all,
I am new here, diagnosed with RA last June.  I have read many of the posts and am appreciative of all the insight, encouragement and help.  I want to "give back" and share some of my knowledge regarding your health information.  I am college instructor and have worked as a health data analyst and a director of Medical Records in hospitals.  I hope some of the basics (at least in the US) can help you.

I use a password protected web based medication list that I can access from anywhere I can use the web.  I can update my med list, add food and drug allergies and more.  Great for the numberous doctor, dentist etc. visits we make. 

Many medical decisions are based on the information in your records.  Doctors rarely call each other, just review the notes.  I hope this helps
Mary B.  Registered Health Information Technician and Certified Coding Specialist

Hope that's helpful for you.  There are other forms also available on the net, that you can just fill in and print out & save to your own computer.

Thanks Jeanne,  It's good to know that.  I am very interested in taking advantage of that.