Theory/Minocycline & LDN | Arthritis Information


Have been reading and reading.

PMR they say nobody knows for sure why. But what kind of autoimmune disease would come and then just go away in a certain time. Makes one think it's a bug.

In that case Minocycline (antibiotic of a diff. type) may help.

I say that after seeing many say it helps with their autoimmune disease, and who's to say they are not all retrovirus's or something in reality. There is new evidence it helps in MS and that the things like Dawes Fingers or some such, referring to the lesion formation in the brain, can disappear. Of course they won't drop the crab drug with it yet.

I had a friend with Scleraderma that was dying as it was sooo serious.

First hand experience here now. His wife, Lisa, began to reach out and look for help as the Doctors were not helping enough.

Came across studies and people with that disease taking Minocycline and getting better. They convinced their Doc. to do it and he agreed to try. Today he is alive and can do things they never thought possible. Damage had already been done and not reversible but the disease process stopped.

Other disease's also responding like Lupus.

Now as to the LDN which is Low Dose Naltrexalone, don't know if I have that spelling something people with MS have been fighting to get recognition for. The crab drug companies are fighting to keep their drugs up there and trying to defeat anything else claimed to help. The crabs can cost thousands of dollars. LDN is cheap.

Those with MS and getting the LDN swear it has helped and almost halted the exacerbations. Symptom wise they are better.

I was on the AS forum (Ankylosing Spondylitis, KickAs forum) and low and behold somebody posted info. on LDN and they are going on it for their AS. A study claims it helps halt the disease process. A site was given and I went to look and they claim it is working in a number of autoimmune disease processes.

Makes you wonder if all is being done or if some other avenue shouldn't be tried for us.

I'm going to get my Rheumy first ... and try the Minocycline. I have two friends that said they felt better.

If that does not work I'll try LDN..I'm ready to be a guinea pig. These drugs do not hurt or have serious side affects that others seem to the crabs, or Enbrel and some of those for the arthritis groups. Ahem, Prednisone.

I'll let you know. But, I wanted you to know that these things are being studied and why not try them in PMR? It is also inflammation after all.

~KewaneeKewanee39211.5354050926There are a number of people on the RA forum (this site) that are using the antibiotic therapy.

Pasted below is the website address for the Roadback Organisation, and explains the theory and process, plus info re accessing practitioners of the therapy in your area.

I don't know much about it myself, but if you are interested,  you might like to post a message on the RA forum.

Good luck
Thank you for that site address and the info.

I sure am interested in learning more and seeing if this could possible help in PMR as well.

Have a nice day.


When I had PMR I did nothing but search and search on the web as if I could myself find a miracle cure

I also came accross that website and wondered the same thing....

Any results or feedback from those who tried long-term anitbiotics?I'd be interested to know more about this too. I will ask my doc next time I see him, I'd be prepared to do a trial run of it, seeing as I am not on any other treatment for PMR.