Bone Fusion / Foot | Arthritis Information


Hello All

I am new to this site, and very glad to have found it.  I have RA  and Crohn's disease.  Crohn's is under control but RA in very active flare right now.  Docs are telling me the only way to relieve the pain is to fuse (at least)3 joints together in my right foot.  Has anyone had any experience with this?  Does anyone know of any other options?  It sounds pretty drastic, esp since one doc had me on prednisone for several years which led to a hip replacement.  I am 45 yrs old.  Any info would be appreciated!


So sorry to hear about your pain.  I wish the best for you.

May I ask a silly question??

I have OA and RA. 95% of my pain is in my feet/ankles. What 'kind' of doctor has suggested the fuse?? My rhuemy treats the arthritis all over but as much as I complain, I have never had an MRI on the ankle. He offered prednisone but I turned it down.


