PA and stiffness | Arthritis Information


I'm wondering how many of you with PA experience stiffness in your joints.  I do not have any stiffness even first thing in the morning.  Could it be that the stiffness is caused by joint erosion or is it caused by inflamation?

Hi Chris,

I'm not entirely sure what causes it - I think I remember being told it was a combination of things? But I get stiffness in the mornings and in the evenings nad sometimes all through the day too! My back is stiff all the time, just sometimes not quite as stiff as others...

My worse stiffness is in the late afternoons/evenings.

I have stiffness a lot in the mornings and evenings.  I get most of my pain in the evenings after using my hands.  How do you make dinner, clean up the kitchen or even cruise the boards without using fingers? 

I also have back and knee stiffness.
