Miss you guys... | Arthritis Information


Since no one seemed to be around this afternoon I started poking around on the WebMD message boards.

I'd just like to say I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

Those message boards really suck!! Forgive my childish discription...but I know no other way to describe them.

Just thought I'd share. Where is everybody today?!?!?

Miss you,



I was one of those who sought help from a WebMD site, but it just wasn't there.  Am so glad that I found this place.  I am on summer vacation until August 1st...so for the next couple of weeks I'll have more time to visit here.  When work beckons me, I'll still make time for this board. 

You won't find much first hand advice there. They claim to have a doctor answering emails; but rarely does he give any advice you can use. Most of their members say "Call your doctor" (not very friendly either!!). That's not very helpful.

I've found the experience of the members here to be so valuable. Theirs nothing like first hand experience from several different people to put my mind at ease when I'm in question as to what to do.

Enjoy your vacation Molly Bee. We'll enjoy having you around more while you relax.

Thanks, Lovie!  I cannot believe I just found this place...of course the reason that I did was somone on the WebMD site mentioned it.  So I did a search and found all of you!

Hubby and I are off to shop soon.  He's a high school teacher so we have the luxury of time together.   Right now the house is void of kids....which makes it quiet for a change!  No bass guitar being played, no strains of rock music, no phone ringing....Sweet!

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