The Cure for RA... | Arthritis Information


Since just recently being dx'd with RA can anyone give credence to this for me? Since your a nurse Lorster, maybe you can give me some help on this...

Thanks!!!! Maybe we should try this. No dairy for 3 weeks and see how we are in three
weeks. Oh man, I love dairy. I may have to check into the hospital for
detox, lol. I think that any time we consume something that causes us
inflammation to the point that it raises our inflammatory markers, we should
at least abstain from it to see if we improve. I'm willing to try this to see if it
makes a difference in my RA.Umm...CHEESE!!!

I think I can, I think I can...

I'm not a nurse myself, but I don't see how this could be the cause of RA as I personaly have always despised milk (and most dairy products for that matter). Even hated milk as a child and would refuse to drink it - to the point of keeping my parents in fear that I would have issues as a result of a lack of calcium in my diet....I do eat yogurt these days to keep up my calcium intake, but all in all, I have probably consumed far less dairy than most people in the cereal crazed US especially....So I guess I am saying I find it hard to believe that dairy products could have caused me to have RA anyway...



Well poo Melly...ya little kill joy! 

Well so as not to be such a killjoy how 'bout this theory? Just obviously cannnot be dairy for me is all I'm saying...Maybe it is just different individual allergies to different foods or whatever... Maybe for some people it IS dairy....


I've read that eliminating dairy does really help some people.  I think trying it's definitely worth a shot.  Not too long after I was diagnosed, I tried eliminating dairy.  I personally didn't notice a difference.

dordale Think I have posted this before but to reiterate.
Went to a talk by a dr - a researcher at our local hospital last year and I asked him what he would suggest for rheumatoid arthritis and his answer was no dairy food and make sure I get Vitamin D from the sun.
I think I also gave a website of
(Bryanna Clark Grogan) the website may be slightly out.
She is an excellent vegan cook and has great recipes for cheese substitutes. I have been vegetarian 25 years but it was going vegan that got me out of bed after being bedridden for a long time.   I have the occasional dairy now but not a lot.
It is maybe an allergy thing and will work for some people but maybe there is something in it - there is a lot of research around on the relationship between dairy and RA.
If you would like to give dairy free a go check out
Bryanna's web site - it can also be reached via, scroll down the left until New Veggies/Grogan - her recipes are brilliant - she has a few recipe books out as well which are excellent. She lives in Canada but her books should be readily available in the States.

I have consumed absolutely no dairy products for over 2 years, as I'm lactose intolerant. I found out I had RA this year. Dairy can't be the problem in my case...........

Well, maybe it is just a coincidence. But I've been a vegetarian for almost a year. I was diagnosed with RA about a year ago. But I became a vegan (meaning no animal products at all, no dairy, no eggs, etc.) about 3 weeks ago and I have to tell you I feel better than I have in years. It may be a combination of that and the meds, but I'm not going to discount the diet. The timing is too close. I have an appt. with my RD next week and I'm going to discuss this with him and take this article with me. We'll see. I think for those interested, it sure can't hurt to try it and see how you feel!I think changing your diet and eliminating foods may work for some with RA. In my case, I 've had a milk allergy since I was a small child , so obviously that didn't contribute to me having RA. Different things work for different people, but a cure. I just don't think so, at least not in my case.

Oh, I agree. I don't think it's a cure. I'm with you that some things help some while they don't help others. Giving up the milk was just something I thought I'd try and I feel great ever since.I'm glad you feel better. I think that's the whole goal concerning living with RA. For me the MTX and Enbrel have allowed me to function really close to normal for the last almost 9 years. I'm also careful to make sure I get enough vitamin D. It seems to help.

SarahLorster, did you ever get the book on greening?

I have an inflammation disorder that they say runs like RA, so it would work the same.

I went a year... not easy... without drinking milk and trying to never have cheese etc.  I then brought it back a couple weeks ago and no problems.


I do have problems with "non-organic" milk.  My doc says it's the pesticide and other chemicals that the animal ate or were added.  Regular milk feels like a rock and i get achy, organic I don't have a problem with.

You never know.  Everyone's RA can be different.  You can have same syptoms but one may be caused by chemicals, others by dna, others by the atmosphere.

Everything that wont' hurt you is more than worth a try as we are all different, one thing may work for one when it doesn't for another.

No, this is not a cure.  However, I bet it would help to eliminate dairy products from your diet anyways.  Especially after what I have been reading on some other threads here about dairy products and what they do to the cows and stuff. 

Please remember there is no cure for arthritis.  I really wish there was.  But there is remission.  And hey...I will take that back any ole day of the week.

That's what medical science says and it is true that there is no cure for arthritis

The scope does not apply to tradition herbs and natural foods. Only those who have reversed the severity to no attack, they say possible without medicine.



There is no confusion, food allergy can cause flare. To obstain from those foods do not cure the disease but help to balance the body system.

To suppress the disease, drugs are being used by patients. I had those past experiences that the disease could hide under bombardment of drugs and emerged more powerful and attacked more aggressively in each flare. Under suppression the disease became rebillious and that was my conclusion. 

My choice of appropriate herbs could effectively tame, coax and gradually dispel the disease. The correct herbs was most gentle approach to induce the disease to co-operate in the body. Firstly, the disease could be tamed and coaxed to behave gently i.e. not to cause pain; and secondly, it would submit willingly to be melted down and turned into gases and toxic wastes. The body then discharged as farts, urine, sweats and stools naturally in each flare.

Subsequent flares became more and more manageable as the disease seemed to understand the directives of the herbs. Once the body regained the healthiness the disease would pack and leave quietly. NO DRUGS, NO DISEASE Honey, I have not been to a store in 2 weeks except to pick up milk, lol. We
have my mom in law here for two weeks, my daughters graduation, tons of
yard work, house work, work, just a mad house so no luxury trip to the book
store which I love to do. Nothing like going to Barnes and Noble for coffee
and reading. But, I plan on doing so soon. I can't wait to read it. I'm also
going to look for some other books on home made recipes for soaps, etc.
I'm tired of spending money on expensive soap and deoderant. So who is
going to start a green thread. I would love to exchange healthy ideas with
each other. I tried cutting out diary and I lived in a country where sun was in abundance all year round so lots of natural vit D but it made no difference.........sorry another killjoy

Appropriate herbs 'tame' the disease and adjust gradually the autoimmue/metabolic disorder in the body.

The approach is disease friendly, so much so that the disease tunes down it aggressive attack to no performance - no pain. The herbs subjucate the disease to behave 'gentle' during flare. That is the wonder of herbs.

Oh much for wishful thinking. Thanks y'all! 

Reality not wishful thinking. Real experience in life. Wishful thinking is what you can not get but wish you can. Different world, not thinking but real happenning and result.

There is no kill two birds in one stone in chronic disease.  Either do it right or forever never do it.  

Arthritis obey the directives of friendly correct herbs that can 'tame', 'coax' and reduce its power of aggressiveness to no threat. The disease leaves the body when the healthy level is acheived.

Stop saying "to cure arthritis." You know this is false. Even everything I've ever read about this herb says things like "get under control" and that there isn't a cure. Just stop it. [QUOTE=kokako88]

Reality not wishful thinking. Real experience in life. Wishful thinking is what you can not get but wish you can. Different world, not thinking but real happenning and result.

...among other things.

What?????????????????? In Medical Science "NO CURE".

You know already it is false "to cure arthritis" with meds, no dispute.

Traditional herbs go back to many centuries, medical science about 100 odd years, lol

I have my experiences and you have yours, that are of different kinds

"There is a Cure for Arthritis" by Paavo O. Airola, N.D. and many more books.


Let's see, I've taken MTX for 12 years with no side effects and Enbrel for almost nine years. My RA is very well controlled and I am very healthy. So maybe there is a "cure" for RA after all.

SarahWhen you're juggling with meds that cannot touch the pain and suffering that is "language barrier" with the disease, lol.I have no language barrier or any appreciable pain. My meds control my RA quite well. If that doesn't "fit" into your ideas concerning RA, that is your problem, not mine.


So your meds control your RA quiet well there still a "language barrier". At any moment, RA can be very rebellious

I do not need herbs to continue for life and totally no meds i.e. no "language barrier" as there is no disease to talk toNo appreciable pain or disease here either. What's a matter, not used to people having success traeting their RA with meds? I don't critisize your methods, why do you choose to insult mine? I'm not manipulated by anyone or anything, just happy, healthy and enjoying life. Why does that bother you so much?

SarahKoko, if you're so extremely healthy, what the heck are ya doin' here???

Horney, I don't peddle that stuff I use them. I don't waste time but a saviour to those who choose the natural path. You shouldn't waste time but concentrate your stuff and be contented. Your mindset is such that the more you read it will set fire to your brain, so skip it Some people should practice what they preach  :xHey Koko I like the new name you have me in your post.