Maryblooms | Arthritis Information


I just found the thread which got lost in the shuffle. Your jewelry is beautiful
and well done. Looks very quality for a great price. I do some beading but
just do not have the nack for creativity in that area. Thank you for sharing
with me.

I checked out your jewellery too.  Its really lovely.  I do a bit of beading myself and always love to see what other people do.  Here is what I do (if anyone is interested)

I have alot of beading stuff that i want to do too but there are a few things i just cannot figure out.  Pammy maybe you could talk me through some of it?  I want to make some elastic bracelets and w/ the wire i cant see to figure out how to knot it lol.  Ohhh and i want to make a pink breast cancer ribbon on a little purse but im not sure how to start that so it looks right.  If any of you can help me it be awesome!!

I haven't seen Maryblooms stuff. How do I view it?

Hi Pammy,

Loved your work!  How do you work with the seed beads?  I have a hard time stringing them.  I have seen people use a bowl and dip the wire in and "caught" the beads in them. 

here is a link on how to use the stretch cord and knot them.  I always use a square knot (thank goodness I was a girl scout leader and learned how)  I have done a cell phone charm for breast cancer awareness and have linked to to photobucket.  I have some of the glass pink ribbon beads left.  PM me and I can send you them if you are interested. astcancerawarenesscharm.jpg

wow, so much talent on this board. thank you for showing us.

Maryblooms, I often put the seed beads in a bowl and dip the wire in and catch them.  Otherwise my fingers stiffen up after a while.  I'm no good with tying elastic so I tend to do most of my bracelets on memory wire, its much easier to work with. 

Lovie, the photos are all my own.  Will I get beaten up if I spam my website?  Here goes anyway:

I'm hoping to be able to get into selling some of my photography one day soon.

Lorster, hopefully we won't all get shot for being so 'off topic' lol.

I think we are a bunch of people who have certain limitations in life due to RA and are sharing with others our creative ways of easing stress and keeping our minds sharp.

It gives me hope to see others maintain their artistic side even when this disease may disable us in certain ways.

Hmmm, anyone have any good ideas for a RA awareness art ideas?  After all, we are a creative bunch. 

I'm actually working on an RA awareness pin.  Have the design but not sure yet about the material I want to use.  Was originally thinking of silver but that's too costly.  Would do some custom work if someone wanted silver.  PM me Maryblooms and we'll talk it out.  2 heads or always better than mine! 

Pammy, loved your photography.  Am going to  your site right now.

Pammy, I really liked your photographs of trees.No beat-up from me Pam - they're lovely - thank you for sharing them. Pammy- Your work is amazing, it must give you such pleasure to see a finished item.

Loved your website Pammy!

If everyone else can talk about some of the crap that's been talked about on this site......we can certainly share some common interest on this thread. Post away. I'm with Mary; It's wonderful to see that despite RA you guys are still very talented and creative. I'm very much enjoying looking at your work.

I love going for walks with my camera.  Its one of the things that I can do without any repercussions as far as my RA goes.  Thanks everyone for your encouragement.  Its amazing how some mundane, everyday things can be brought to life with a camera and computer.  I actually do very little editing.  It is so much more fun to see the 'real thing'. 

Life really is beautiful, look for a little peice of it each day it will make your day that little bit brighter.

Beautiful work!!!  I'm jealous because I don't have a creative bone in my body. 

Whoever is working on the RA awareness pin (Sorry, took MTX last night and don't have any brain cells left


Me too!Pammy, your work is beautiful.  I also do some beading but nothing as elaborate as yours.  I have a hard time with the chain work, my hands are just too sore! On the sorbet bracelet, what sort of stringing material did you use and is it one continuous piece? Keep up the great work!!
I want to add that I bought a beautiful card from Pammy and she does great work. I got it just a few days after ordering, too.

micheleb, I almost always use tigertail for stringing. The gold bits are just curved metal tube beads, they give an interesting shape.  The other thing that is great for stringing is fishing line, and you can get that in funky colours these days.  The chain stuff is new for me and is definitely harder on the hands than some of the other work.  I would do about an hours worth in the evening and think not bad, then next morning wonder why  my hands were so stiff.   Or sometimes my left hand would gel while working and I would have to stop and straighten it out.  Doing simpler stuff on tigertail or memory wire is MUCH easier.  Oh, and working WITHOUT a deadline is also MUCH easier.(found that out the hard way).

Thanks for the plug miles2go.  I had fun with those cards.
