They are going to shoot me tomorrow! | Arthritis Information


Hello to everyone,

I joined a short while back and have not been diagnoised with anything except degenerative disk disease with strong suspission of arthritis.  I do have an appointment 8-5 to get exam and bloodwork done to see if they see arthritis but I guess you can't quite count on that from what I've read on the board today.  But I'm glad to know that, I won't feel so bad if it's negative.  I was so encouraged when I read how most of you had already delt with someone telling you you're okay when your body says otherwise.  I've had that happening to me for a long time but it has not been until it's progresses to some very severe pain that I have really laid out the problem to my doctors.

I think that perhaps I tend to back off when any doctor says that there is nothing wrong but this time, if what I experienced was a flare up 6 weeks ago, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure if there is a treatment that will slow it down or help it not be so painful, I'm going to keep telling them.

I am going tomorrow for a proceedure which they think might really help me and that is steroid injections

I've been pretty nervous about the shot but I finally called them yesterday and they told me to the best of their knowledge no one has woke up during the proceedure in pain and said several other reassuring things so I guess I will stay calm.  I just don't know what it's like and I have a sort of valid fear of waking up, because I did once and it keeps you pretty frightened for a long time.

More than anything I just hope it works.  They seem to think it will really help.

Wish me luck and I hope you are all doing well,




You go girl. Get some answers!! I like your additude.

I'm not sure if you are referring to the same thing or not, because you kept referring to "Woke up during the procedure" I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing but I've had tons of steriod injections. If your talking about what I've had that's an excellent choice to get you on your feet again. I've had them in about every effected joint over the last 11 years and I'm a huge fan. It's just a shot in the effected joint. Honestly...hurts like hell (excuse my language) but it's well worth it in my opinion. It's over before you know it.

Sure hope you get good results as well.

Good Luck,


Gem...Persevere!!!   Make sure you get an appt with a Rheumatologist not MD; they don't know diddley!   Went thru the same thing for several years.  You need a Rheumy that can take MRI's of your hands.  Early erosions in these small jts.  is more easily detected than xrays and my blood work was always RF negative.   That's how I finally got my diagnosis.  RA does not get better, it gets worse without the proper meds. Wish you luck dear and hope you get answers soon!     

There is also therapys other then drugs that you can benefit from .  Of course they will start you on all the recommended drugs but for me they didn't work.  What has been working for me is something called Prosorba Column therapy.  I'm not sure if this works for everyone but you have to give everything a shot.  I wish you all the best!
