Another Prednisone question | Arthritis Information


How long does it stay in your body? I start taking 10mg 2x today and tomorrow, then I'm done. I'm terrified that the pain will come back with a vengance on my daughters Birthday on Sunday. I was reading somewhere and it said that Prednisone's half life is 4 hours. What in the world does that mean?

Half life of 4 hours means that every 4 hours the level of Pred in your body is reduced by 1/2.  So...

after 4 hours: current level is 1/2 of the original level

after 8 hours: current level is 1/4 of the original level

after 12 hours: current level is 1/8 of the original level

and so on...


Wow Alan, I always learn something new here. Thanks!

so does that mean it is in a way like an extended release medication? 

i had a different question to ask but i didnt want to sound that stupid LMAO...i typed it out and read i and was like UMM NO

Am I  understanding your post to say you are on 20 mg a day now and are going right to zero? Are you sure that is how your dr. wants to do it? I have never heard of anyone quitting at 20 mg. I got very sick going from 10 to zero, every time and this time I went very gradually from 20 to 5 and if I get to go off they are reducing it 1 mg every week or two. (that is also somewhat unusual I think - I just have had trouble getting off it so they are doing it very slowly). I think most people work down to 10 or 5 before they stop it. Hope you feel good for your weekend.




Am I  understanding your post to say you are on 20 mg a day now and are going right to zero? Are you sure that is how your dr. wants to do it? I have never heard of anyone quitting at 20 mg. I got very sick going from 10 to zero, every time and this time I went very gradually from 20 to 5 and if I get to go off they are reducing it 1 mg every week or two. (that is also somewhat unusual I think - I just have had trouble getting off it so they are doing it very slowly). I think most people work down to 10 or 5 before they stop it. Hope you feel good for your weekend.




Here's what my bottle says:

Prednisone 10MG

Take 3 tab Twice Daily x4 Days, Take 2 Tab 2 times Daily x3, Take 1 Tab Twice Daily x2 Days


After I started reading on Prednisone I was aware this was different. I'm guessing maybe because it was only a 9 day course that is why it's being stopped so suddenly? See why I'm so concerned? I'm scared to death it'll come back with a vengence. So far I haven't had any trouble other than some night sweats, but it's not that bad. I haven't had any swelling of my face, extreme hunger. So, hopefully I can get off this crap ok. How soon do you start feeling bad when you wean off? Thanks for the concern!

I think I would call the doctor's office on Friday just to verify that it is correct. I have had wrong directions on the med bottles a couple of times - it can happen. I think probably everyone is different as far as how they do when they go off it. For me it was pretty bad within a day or two when I tried to go from 10 to zero, but I have been pretty sick for a year or so, and on it  9 months, so that may have made it worse. It can't hurt to call and check on it anyway. Take care.


That sounds like how pred is typically tapered.  I started at 25mg for 3 days...then 20...then 15...etc. until I am down to my maintenence dose of 5mg. 

It depends on the person when you start feeling the effects of weaning off of pred.  I have seen where when people hit 10mg they really feel it.  I have seen when people try to get below 7.5mgs they really feel it.  Below 5 for me is killer. 

The prednisone will never leave your body entirely.

[QUOTE=lorster]The prednisone will never leave your body entirely.[/QUOTE]

Really, never?

The body will not rid itself entirely of the Prednisone, because of the half
life as explained. There will always be a minute amount left. This goes for
all drugs.

Hi Shelly, that doesn't sound like something I could do. as othr's have said .....way to quickly. I've missed information from my doc lately and ended up with problems.  he told me to 'stay' on 10 preds until my next remicade on the 21st, I was trying to reduce, NOT!, so I'm back on 10 and will try to start the tapering in 2 wks. maybe you could see how you feel and plan to take 'some' just to get you through your holiday and talking to the doctor??

love, sarah

Well, I took my last dose on Friday. So far, so good. No pain in my joints, but I'm sore. Like I did a workout and I overdid it. My stomach is sore too. Is that normal?If you have only been on pred for a short while that is the correct taper.
Your body stops producing its own cortisol over a period of time. The
short term use isn't long enough for that occur.

Now...longer periods of pred requrie careful tapering.

I hope you are feeling better shelley