loss of feeling | Arthritis Information


Can anyone help, Has any of you loss feeling in your hands and fingers and some time toes. It feels like my fingers are frozen and it lasts all day. Been having bad head aches to.

its true that the RA can put pressure on the nerves causing tingling and numbness BUT other potential causes should be ruled out first.

If you are not able to communicate well with your doctors take someone with you who will advocate for you.  Or go find a medical team that you can work with.  Whichever it doesn't sound like you and your doctor are working well together

Have you asked your doctor for a MRI of your head? Please rule anything
serious out. I know that Plaq can cause headaches but if you have been on
that a while, it is unlikely. I don't want to scare you but my sister died of a
brain aneurysm at age 39. It can happen Make sure you get your head
checked out.

I used to have a lot of headaches when certain meds were added.  One thing I've found that helps is drinking lots of water.  When I drink enough water I don't seem to be bothered by headaches.  I know that sounds too simple, but give it a try.



What would cause my fingers to go numb and turn white even when they haven't been exposed to cold temperatures?

- No name / No state given

Mayo Clinic hypertension specialist Sheldon Sheps, M.D., and colleagues answer select questions from readers.


You may be describing Raynaud's phenomenon, a condition that causes some parts of your body — such as your fingers and toes — to feel numb and change color. Although these changes usually result from exposure to cold temperatures, they can also be triggered by strong emotions or stress.

Raynaud's phenomenon is a disorder of the blood vessels in the skin. During an attack, these blood vessels narrow, which restricts blood flow to the affected areas.

The exact cause of Raynaud's phenomenon can't always be determined. In such cases, it is referred to as Raynaud's disease. But Raynaud's phenomenon can be associated with:

Treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon depends on the severity of symptoms and may include:

Treatment of any underlying condition also is important.