I’m shocked! | Arthritis Information


Ok, guys, maybe I'm just tooting my on horn, but I'm really excited about this. I've been feeling really great lately and I told you all that I recently became vegan. Well, I took my methotrexate last night, and I'm overdue for my Humira due to some new insurance issues...and I feel great today! I can't remember the last time I took methotrexate and didn't feel like total crap the next day.

Don't really need a response, just wanted to share good thoughts. Hope everyone else feels good today!

I hope I have some good news to share soon Glad you're doing well!Red, I am very happy for you. Did you do anything different? Whatever the reason, enjoy every minute of it!

I gave up dairy and eggs. That's all. It could just be coincidental with the timing of meds working for all I know, but I'm not gonna change a thing. I still have swelling and pain, but not as much and my fatigue is all but gone. I've got more energy than I've had in years! I love it!

And thanks for the comments. Honestly, I think I'm just living better.

Now maybe I can get my personal life in order. Pleased to hear your good news.  Look after your new level of energy - don't go wild!!  Just cruise it a while!! 

That is awesome!!!  I am so happy for you!!!  I am loving your new energy level, but like other people have said, still take it easy and don't overdo it!!! 

That's wonderful for you! Please let me know if you don't mind and if you get a chance how long you have been taking the methotrxate. I took my fourth dose this past sat night and had my worst sunday yet (nausea and exhaustion). Not sure if it is because I forced myself to get up far sooner than I was ready to because it was Mothers day and I needed to be at a get-together and the other times I just let my body stay asleep until it was ready to get up or if there ws some other reason.... I am curious as to how long you have been taking it because I am hoping I just need to be patient here and wait out some time befroe my body gets used to it side effects-wise and before it actually starts doing anything helful for my joints...

Again REALLY happy that you have had this experience now and if you get the opportunity do let me know how many doses you have had now...



Well, I've kind of lost track. But I am pretty sure I started MTX in late October. I went off of it for about 1 1/2 months (on my own, not cuz I was supposed to). My psoriasis started coming back so I went back on it about a month ago and my dose is 15 mg. I'm also on Humira, but am currently overdue on my dose cuz my insurance has changed. I guess my advice is to hang in there. But I truly hope to not have to take MTX some day. I know I keep hearing that it's an ongoing thing, but I'm 32 and I hate to think that I'll be taking this toxic drug for the rest of my life. I see my rheumy on Wednesday and I'm gonna ask him about it. I don't know if this helps but I'll answer any other questions you have.I so glad you feel good. It makes me feel better too.Enjoy and do not worry about mtx or anything else!!!

Ok, gang. I went to my RD today and had a pretty good appt. I told him how good I've been feeling as far as fatigue and thought that was great, but he says he doesn't want me to have pain at all, but it's still too soon to switch meds (I really don't wanna switch anyway). But at least he's thinking about my pain. He took xrays and sent me to physical therapy to get fitted for splints for me to wear at night and some kind of ultrasound cortisone something (it was kinda nice and my PT was cute, so I didn't mind him massaging my hands)

Oh, and my doc kinda danced around the diet thing saying some people think it works and some people don't. If you think it's working then keep it up! Wow, now that's a professional opinion. Geez.

By the way, has anyone had an ultrasound where they put the cortizone cream on and rub it in with the ultrasound? If so, should my wrist hurt MORE after this? Cuz it does.
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