Does anyone know......................... | Arthritis Information


about intense pain in the arms. It starts in sometimes the fore-arm, and extends itself to the entire arm into the shoulder and into the palm of the hand. It's a very intense almost heavy pain that radiates the entire length of the arm. I think maybe a ligament or tendon. I've had rsi in my wrist alot of years ago, this is similar pain but the whole arm and definitely into the palm, and ten times more intense. It only lasted maybe 10 minutes, and then went. I get it more and more often now. In both arms too not just one. Any ideas?
Jennee39216.7963194444What is RSI?Repetitive Strain Injury. Similar to carpel tunnel. It may even be the same thing. 

I don't mean to alarm you but have you thought about heart?  Have you had any pain in your jaw? 

Oh Jennee, I'm so sorry. I know what you are saying. I had that after heart surgery in Dec. It felt like a knife was stabbed into my left arm about mid way between shoulder and elbow. I also had shoulder pain. After some time and a lot of diff meds (about 30) I got to my RA doc and he gave me mtx, remicade and prednisone. Pred first. I finally was pain free on March 1st. sarahI have had jaw pain but just put it down to another joint pain to tolerate. What does the jaw pain have to do with it?

It is in both arms though which is odd. A heart thing did cross my mind. But doesn't heart related matters only affect the left arm? The pain was so intense like i'd never felt before. It was almost paralyzing. I started Arava nearly 2 weeks ago and thought maybe something to do with that? My MTX is down to 15mg from 25mg a month ago.  I just don't know. I don't see rheumy for another month. It is getting more and more frequent and is a real concern.   I had something similar, years back, and it was a cervical problem, pinched nerve in the neck..The neck controlled the arm, just the right arm, and it grew more intense each day...but it didn't let up, like your does sometimes.
GOOD LUCK!Jennee,I DO want to alarm you into going to your Dr. ASAP! I was 50 yrs old and never had a problem with my heart till I had a heart attack and triple by-pass. If you don"t mind me asking, how old are you and is there a history of heart disease in your family? After the fact and thankfully a full recovery I became educated on the symptoms of  a heart attack. Your pains sound classic and may be very serious. It's better to be safe than sorry. Your pain may be attributed to your condition but still needs to be checked out. Good Luck and God Bless..... GenesisI also have the same thing off and on . My is rotator cuff problems. THere is a nerve that runs down your arms. Can you lift your arms at the same time up over your head? I would get it cked out. Could be a number of things.
Thankyou for your concern Genesis, I am 41 years young. And my dad has heart problems. He needs a triple by-pass but he can't be done for one reason or another. He had his first heart attack at 43 i think. Does the heart give pain in both arms though?

I have grave's disease too, which can make the heart race. Hmmmm. Think i might see the local Doc.

I would prefer it to be cervical though, my neck has been sore, and i've had head-aches fairly often. How did you fix yours aimee?

Interesting, thanks for your advice.

CinDee, I have had frozen shoulder in the left shoulder. 6 years ago it began. I still don't have 100% rotation in the left shoulder. I had to have surgery on it to release it. The most intense pain but more confined to the shoulder and on movement. I know what you mean though. Thanks for your thoughts. No problem. Didn't know about your frozen shoulder. Sounds like you have really been through alot. I hope you get some relief reallllllly soooon!Hi Jennee, Yes both arms can be  involved in heart related pain. Radiating pain that lasts 10 or so mins. and  goes away  then comes back is my concern. The history with your dad is not a good sign either. I thought my heart pains was acid reflux,had extreme middle chest pain for 2 weeks that would come and go till one day BAM! and I knew it was my heart. You do not want to go through that!  Good luck and keep us posted.......GenesisI didn't want to scare you...but i had a cervical fusion..but it was way back in 1991....and very very succesful...if i didn't get it done, i would have lost use of the arm..
The pain began in upper arm, and just got worse every day....and after the surgery, it was gone..This was pre-RA days, and i was 42 at the time Genesis, how did you all of a sudden know it was your heart? I have arm
pain sometimes but just contribute it to the every day aches and pains of the
RA. I do know that many women also complain of back pain, about bra
strap level. And I know that the pain can be in the left arm, neck, jaw, teeth.
Heartburn is another symptom. Remember, heart disease is the number one
killer of women right now. And dont think that because you are in your 40's
it can't happen to you. I ask my doctor everytime I talk to her if she thinks I
have heart trouble because my CRP is so high and she says NO, I don't think
so. I hope she is right.